Extraterrestrial internet vs 5G networks

Starlink is a constellation of hundreds of satellites (eventually thousands) in low orbit around Earth, which, in combination with ground transceivers, provides satellite internet access. The service is now available for first-come, first-served Beta testing. A colleague of mine signed up and had it running in time to watch the Super Bowl this past weekend. SpaceX, which operates the system, states, and my colleague confirmed, connectivity will swing from high data speeds to no connectivity and the service is currently expensive to install and subscribe to. Additionally, you need to be within range of a Starlink-connected wifi router to connect, so in our current world, that means mobile devices would still need a traditional data plan, or rely on found wifi when outside the Starlink subscriber’s home.

So where does Starlink fit next to 5G networks?

I have scoured the Internet for reputable sources that answer this question. I came up short. I found sources exploring one service or the other, but not comparing the two. The only people who seem to be talking about it are those watching the stock market (clearly this is an area worth watching). I did find this YouTube video by Internet Tech personality Andrew Erickson and think it gives a good introduction to a Starlink vs. 5G discussion, though I can’t speak to his personal interests or biases. As he mentions, and others have mentioned in other circles of the internet, Starlink potentially offers meaningful changes to the way people in rural areas access internet, while 5G (and upcoming 6G?) will likely dominate urban areas, at least while Starlink’s connectivity is spotty.

What are your thoughts on Starlink? Have you come across quality coverage of Starlink’s possible place next to terrestrial networks?

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