A1 – Mobile ELL Support

If you have taught English Language Learners in your class, you are probably familiar with the struggles that they go through in their everyday learning experience. For my project, I looked into using an iPad for supporting ELLs. I invite you to my blog here.


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4 responses to “A1 – Mobile ELL Support”

  1. jennifer r

    Hi Seo-Whi, I can admit I became a little emotional when watching the video you posted about ELL students being left behind during Covid. I have been teaching for CSSD, and all of the schools I have taught at in the last 5 years have had 80% ELL. Not being able to access the material from home was a huge concern for the teachers at that time. I think this definitely makes a strong case for using ipads, especially ones with translation apps, but, like you said, it’s also important for teachers to learn how to use the tech before they implement it. I really like how you broke down SAMR and apps that could be used to fulfill all categories. I also think its great that you showcase so many constructivist and multimodal apps for engagement and representation. Your A1 is a great resource for educators!


    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Seo-Whi Kwon

      Hi Jennifer,

      Thank you so much for your feedback and for sharing your thoughts. I’ve also taught at a school with a high ELL population (I think it was 60-65%) and I saw them struggling with what may seem “simple” in non-ELL students’ eyes, not because they are not capable but because of the language barrier. If provided with the right support and tools, ELLs will be able to demonstrate their knowledge (as successful as non-ELLs) but a lot of the schools are still seeing these students receiving low grades on achievement tests regardless of the resources and technologies that are available. This is definitely something I am going to continue to look into and research more throughout my MET journey.

      I am glad you found it useful. 🙂

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. BrittanyHack

    Hi Seo:

    Do you mind if I share your blog? I know a few professionals that would find it very useful for LINC programming.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Seo-Whi Kwon

      Hi Brittany,
      Not at all! I’m glad you find my blog worth sharing 🙂

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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