A-1: Mobile Advertising in Kid-Friendly Apps

The abundance of mobile advertising in kid-friendly apps was something that I first started noticing when my own children were using “kid rated” mobile educational games and applications on their tablets. In this assignment, I wanted to dive deep into the world of mobile advertising and what regulations (or lack thereof) exist in this world when it comes to under-age users. In the following learning experience, you will find information about the history of mobile advertising, existing regulating bodies, types of mobile advertisements, and the overall impact of mobile advertising in kid-friendly apps on under-aged users. Please see the embedded experience below, or click HERE to experience it outside of this blog.

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2 responses to “A-1: Mobile Advertising in Kid-Friendly Apps”

  1. EmilyChen

    Hi Kelvin,

    I really enjoyed your published analysis! I think the interaction you added at the beginning of the presentation really brings the point across. I download a lot of educational apps on my phone for my 5-year-old daughter, but those eventually leads to many other random apps that she asked to download because of pop-up ads. I’ve taught her to identify what are ads, how to get rid of them, and I find discussing it with her is very helpful. If we cannot take the ad out of our lives, I feel it’s very important to help the kids to learn how to manage it when they do see a pop up. Thanks for your presentation, I learned a lot!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Wendy Mulligan

    Hi Kelvin, thanks for this informative report on such an important issue. While I was aware that advertising in “kid-friendly” apps has definite issues, I hadn’t realized that it is so poorly regulated. I have often been frustrated when looking for quality, school-friendly apps, by the quantity and/or quality of advertising found within. This is definitely an issue that needs to be brought into the spotlight, as the world of mobile technology grows. Although to some extent it feels like the horse has already bolted, it’s important that our society address this lack of advertising rules sooner rather than later. Did you come across any information about how North America might begin to address this issue?

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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