AI- Is Sharing Still Caring in the Sharing Economy?

For my analytical publishing project, I decided to focus on the social phenomenon of using digital apps and platforms to exchange resources in the sharing economy. Before beginning this analysis, I did not know the difference between sharing apps that were used to build community verses platforms that are created for collaborative consumption. I created a video on Camtasia to show the contrast between the two different type of sharing platforms, and to argue that the design of sharing platforms is very important to the potential impacts that they may have. Sorry it’s so long! I hope you enjoy my project.

The Sharing Economy: Why Design Matters

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2 responses to “AI- Is Sharing Still Caring in the Sharing Economy?”

  1. jennifer r

    Thankyou Michaell! I have also used Airbnb to take some amazing trips! When I first started researching the sharing economy, I had no idea that so much of the research listed would be specifically about Uber and Airbnb.I think that sharing platforms can have so many faces, and even Kijiji can be used to build a community of collectors if individuals continue the conversation after sharing items with each other. I love forums too, I am big into knowledge sharing, and part of many subreddits. I have also done two pet sits in the UK, and have gone to Columbia to WOOF. I’m glad you found my presentation useful!

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  2. michael meroniuk

    Jennifer great video! You bring up some great points! I’ve really enjoyed many of the Air BnB’s I’ve been to. It really is a great way to see the travel destination in a new light. However, the lack of rules and regulations in particular zoning have had drastic impacts on the lower/middle classes. Online forums on the other hand are amazing! I’ve built so many meaningful connections with people I never would have normally met. Once again great project very thought-provoking!

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