A3: The Future is Flexible

Hello everyone!

For my A3 project, I was inspired by a place based learning project I am working on in ETEC 510, where our focus is having students go out into the natural environment to learn. I wanted to explore how flexible screen innovations could be applied to online and blended classrooms to create unique mobile learning experiences. Check out my site here.

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6 responses to “A3: The Future is Flexible”

  1. Anton Didak

    Hey there DeeDee,

    This technology is incredible and would most definitely have a place within education. Advancements in flexible screens in mobile devices and transparent TVs. It is not difficult to imagine a future where thin, flexible screens will be all the craze. I do believe there have been flexible watches and folding phones as concepts. Getting to a fully functional product that hits store shelves in the near future would be fantastic. I personally would enjoy working with a unrollable map of some kind. Thank you for sharing!

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  2. michael orlandi

    Hi Deedee,

    I had no idea this technology existed. So thank you for bringing this to light in your A3 assignment.

    The idea of a flexible screen would be beneficial in so many ways in an educational setting. I guess I can start with how many students attempt to submit assignments through their current smartphone which has a cracked screen. They are going to continue to attempt assignments on their smartphone, even if remote learning is not going on, so why not have a screen that actually assist them in properly viewing their assignments before submission.

    In electronics classes, teachers are often assigning small type projects that incorporate cool technology. If this technology was incorporated in small hobbyist style screens, and not just smartphones, tablets and tv’s, the possibility of funks projects for students that could take place would be unbelievable.

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  3. alexei peter dos santos

    Hello DeeDee,
    I really like the applications you suggested for the screen! The portability of a device that facilitates data collection is beneficial in scientific fields, and I am sure that once introduced to children, they will master it instantaneously. Again, the concept of flexibility is a goal for whoever wants to adapt to this new world. Children are entering learning age already expecting technology to be present in class. Instructors are the ones challenged to teach them how to be productive with them. More than that, instructors teach them how to incorporate wisdom and curiosity within the technology they so readily domine. Such a challenge can be eased with this intuitive instrument, which brings many novelties to the classroom. Congratulations!

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    1. DeeDee Perrott

      Thanks for the feedback, Alexie. The touch screen capabilities within the flexible screen design will make them very accessible for students of all ages. Flexibility, in general, is a key skill needed for any successful educator not just when adapting to new technology but for everyday survival!

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  4. Evelyne Tsang

    Hi DeeDee,
    I am really impressed with this technology! Given the amount of bubble wrap that we use to protect our screens, the idea of providing elementary students with something that is REALLY DIFFICULT to break is terrific!
    The E-INK Wacom ereader was very interesting to see. I was imagining the first graders lying on the ground, trying out an experiment or working on a group project with this almost-paper-like device as their notepad.
    I would be curious to see how long it would take to bring this to market, and then to make it available at a reasonable cost for schools.
    My question to (mainly elementary) teachers – if you had such a flexible device, how fragile/robust would you want it to be, as the more portable it becomes, the more likely it will end up on the floor!


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    1. DeeDee Perrott

      Hi Evelyne,

      We are constantly dealing with cracked screens in my house and as I teach fully online, I can only imagine within classrooms how often that tablet screens get cracked. Currently the issues with foldable or rollable screens are their durability and overall cost. As more companies explore the technology I believe both of these factors will improve. There are some rollable mobile devices that are to be on the market this coming year with a smartwatch that is already commercially available. I think they will be more common place within the decade.

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