Along the same vein, as the apps Seek and iNaturalist, that have been previously reviewed, is the app Merlin bird ID app by Cornell University. This is an app that is uses bird calls to help identify the exact species. When I first heard of this it reminded me of the field guides I use with students as we explore our natural environment. I had never really considered what a field guide of sound might look like. I find this fascinating! The idea of identifying what is heard, asks us to be more present in our environment. Sitting and listening to the birds that surround us and how they change at different times of the year would be a powerful learning for students. I imagine it might provoke questions such as, how does weather, impact the species of birds we identify? How do seasons impact native bird populations? This app would be a wonderful layer to facilitate learning about local environment, and bird population.
Additionally, how does mobile technology shape the way we engage with nature? Being connected when in nature can deepen ones appreciation and understanding of what is being experienced. I’m curious how mobile culture might continue to shift and enhance outdoor learning opportunities.