Educause Report 2021 suggests that Microcredentials are quickly becoming a mainstay in Higher Education. The State University of New York defines Micro-credentialing as “programs of study that verify, validate, and attest those specific skills and/or competencies have been achieved. They differ from traditional degrees and certificates in that they are generally offered in shorter or […]
Motivation for Classroom Mobile Learning
Is the glass half full or half empty? Is the phone the most distracting item in the classroom, or the most engaging? Mobile phones and the secondary classroom are inseparable. It takes a considerable effort and redirection to have students avoid engaging with their phones. Despite best efforts towards engagement with funny pictures in the […]
Mobilizing Indigenous Education
In honour of the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, it seems fitting that one explores how mobile technology is responding to the Calls to Action that were laid out in 2015. When exploring I came across a few apps. The first is the Reconciliation: A Starting Point which is an app created by the Government of Canada […]
Khan Academy – Let’s get Personal
We learn in different ways and at different rates, yet most educational institutions are still expecting everyone to learn from an individual’s teaching style, at a prescribed rate, unable to account for all the individual learning needs. Alongside the teacher and their classroom, mobile education allows the learner to engage with a variety of learning […]
Webinars at the center of workforce development
The model of Webinars is based on attendance to a seminar but online; that’s why they are also called Web-based seminars. Simple research on the Web can drive people to free or low-cost Webinars. A digital platform allows people to participate ubiquitously and synchronously in such an event. Besides, there are plenty of subjects. A […]
CK-12: Textbook 2.0?
A textbook is an educational resource most students of the 20th century would be familiar with, but in the 21st, it seems to be falling out of vogue (at least in the K-12 system). While some more experienced professors and teachers still extol the virtue of their reliability, newly trained faculty dismiss them for their […]
It’s a ZOO out there!
Mackenzie Moyer shared a post on the MET FB group at the JoeZoo app. If you’re not part of the group or skipped over, I thought I would share as it is quite interesting and has a potential use of educators, tutors, and potentially copywriting consultants or editors. https://getjoezoo.com/ The app touts itself as “a […]