3 responses to “CK-12: Textbook 2.0?”

  1. mitchell way

    This post requires a rating and a response. What an excellent resource.

    I don’t think it can be emphasized how much Creative Commons has revolutionized easy access to knowledge for teachers. Any topic I want, I can likely access with CC. This has shrunk the educational supply chain for me to seconds, minutes, or hours (depending on how fast I read).

    20 years ago may have taken significant amounts of money and weeks of planning to bring in an equivalent print resource.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. elizabeth berger

    What a valuable resource for teachers, students, and parents! Perusing the CK-12 website, I saw the foundation offers over 5000 learning resources spanning 70 languages. I assume the largest library of content is in English, and that not all English courses are translated into 70 languages (which would be consistent with my experience with courses offered from LinkedIn Learning which, in general, must pay for). I wonder how the quality and quantity of the resources change across languages? I imagine an ESL parent or a student would find this resource particularly helpful, provided they can access the content in their language.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. brendan stanford

      Wow I completely forgot to mention that! I can’t comment on how perfect the translation is, but the bottom of most lessons has a Google Translate bar for switching a given reading between languages. It was invaluable when I was teaching a syrian exchange student whose primary language was Arabic, and it empowered her to move from a spectator in Science class to an active participant.

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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