A1 – Mobile Learning for Front Line Employees

What if we did not have bookshelves full of front line employee training material? What if we did not have to constantly interrupt the operation to host training huddles? What if management did not have to track if an employee has completed their mandatory trainings? Imagine an operation where front line employees had training materials in the palm of their hands. Would this be viable? Can Axonify really do it all?

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7 responses to “A1 – Mobile Learning for Front Line Employees”

  1. sheena outerbridge sjoberg

    Hi Sarah, thank you for highlighting yet another innovative arm of technology in training and human resource management. As some respondents have already mentioned, i am alluding to the fact that there are 4 separate modes in Axonify, where it would be more useful and maintain the level of communication of ideas and analyses in a single package. Your reference to use of personal phones again is not always acceptable to all employees nor should it be mandatory for a work related exercise.
    I wondered about the measure of success if adapted to health care where ongoing training has never been so important and difficult at this time due to a number of human factors, significantly, loss of workforce and never ending algorithms around Covid 19 and its variants. Onboarding also demands time from participants, yet another challenge.
    As a corporate learning ed.tech management technology, it comes at a cost and I found on researching its focus, is designed to maximize human performance, ie gaming. Whilst gaming has now been established as a front-line technology in a relatively short space of time, from a more reflective perspective, I find it necessary to ask what is the desired outcome if this mode of thinking and doing, as instant reaction versus a deeper reflection becomes so entrenched that we ignore the noble and vital role of inherent intelligence and reasoning.

    ( 3 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Sarah Ng

      Hi Sheena, some organizations that I worked for did not provide us with work mobile phones, but we were given a stipend every month for using our personal phones for work. I think Axonify is great because it can operate on any mobile device. The healthcare facilities that I’ve worked for always had 1-2 communal tablet devices in the ward for employees. In my department, I always had 2 extra tablets. This mobile approach is highly adaptable depending on the preference of the organization, management, and employees.
      I haven’t developed nurses or doctors training material, but I have for Food Services and Housekeeping. These departments require employees to recall a piece of knowledge and then demonstrate what they have learned. This is the same as when I worked in restaurants as well. When designing the training program in the hospitality sector, there is an emphasis on dividing up the training material and having practical assessment component. When putting all of these pieces together, Axonify Training would work out because the learning pieces are broken up into smaller pieces and the management team has time to observe the group of employees work.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. miguel rojas ortega

    Hi Sarah,

    You provided a concise and informative presentation, I enjoyed it. As mentioned above, i agree that the Axonify training Reinforce, Communication and Onboarding should be one package. I equally agree that although a great concept for training multiple individuals and offering a lot of flexibility, that in reality this training might not be suitable for all places of employment. I do feel that it is a great way to follow up with training that is required for the role or needs to be redone annually. It would take a lot of the scheduling and management out of having employee profiles self updating. I do believe that as our work takes advantage of more flexible timing and utilize more technologies, we will be seeing more learning and training taken in this way. As well, as noted, whether or not employees will be comfortable using their own device might be another issue. Thanks again.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Sam Charles (He/Him/His)

    Hi Sarah, That is a cool platform. I wonder how integrated Axonify is with their clients. Who determines the training areas of focus? How does the algorithms gauge knowledge acquisition?
    The platform is definitely geared to mobile, and I think it offers some really neat pedagogical approaches that would appeal to a certain demographic. Would an older demographic be as enthusiastic to use a mobile application or one that offers gamification and incentivized content. How do those aspects of the application mesh with a company’s culture?
    I also wonder about where and when the employee uses the application. Is it in the workplace, as you noted in your cons list, not sure an employer wants their employees with their heads in their phones. The metrics dashboards can also be construed in various negative ways – what about employees who learn in different ways, would their performance metrics be impacted by the results (good on the job but poor with training)?

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Sarah Ng

      Hi Sam, These are all valid questions! The Learning and Development department of the organization will come up with training topics and assessment guidelines. Axonify will transform all of that into the application. I don’t know if the older demographic will be gung ho about using this application, but from experience, my employees who are a bit older are still willing to use their phones and try something new. I think the skill level that some of them has are impressive. With the right amount training and encouragement, employees can start getting used to this platform. Part of me feels it is time for organizations to be up to date with technology and not have the demographic hold this advancement back. Axonify Training has room for videos, so an employee can watch a video on how to use a specific equipment and employee can practice how to use it immediately after. I believe Management have to set strict boundaries of when employees can or cannot use their phones because we want to ensure employees are safe during their shift.
      When the Learning and Development team is setting up the training platform with Axonify, they should consider different learning activities and assessment strategies that cater to a variety of learners.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. hasssae1

    Hi Sarah,
    This is excellent, thank you. Both your presentation and the idea itself (Axonify) are stunning.
    I went through the Axonify website and think it’s a brilliant idea. The fact that it is mobile friendly and personnel can simply hit the ground running makes it even more appealing. I kept browsing their website and almost feel like Axonify Training, Axonify Reinforce, and Axonify Communication should all be implemented as one giant bundle by whoever purchases this software, since the three (3) pieces complement each other quite nicely. On the other hand, I see Axonify more as an Operation software rather than something that can be utilized in a Project environment. Projects tend to have a fairly short lifecycle (2-4 years), with a fairly high turnover rate. Project personnel rarely get mobile phones assigned by the company as majority of personnel are external consultants/contractors. Additionally, I agree with your “cons” section entirely. Being on mobile devices is a hazard/distraction by itself. Additionally, the wave generated from the phones may activate other devices such as explosives, in particular if working in a high-risk worksite. Overall, I think the idea is very neat, and certain companies would definitely benefit from implementation of it. Thank you for this. Saeid

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Sarah Ng

      Hi Saeid, I agree that Axonify Training, Axonify Reinforce, Axonify Communication, and Axonify Onboarding should be in one package. But as you mentioned that Axonify is only appropriate for some work places. I believe the one that all work places can benefit from Axonify Onboarding because that onboarding piece is crucial but painful for management. When I was planning for this assignment, I imagined running my operation with Axonify Training. I would have to set strict boundaries on when phones could be used. It does pose some form of risk and danger.

      The other concern is employees might push back if they have to use their personal phones for something work related. And I completely understand because it feels like I am never off work or leave work. Another aspect that organizations have to take into account.

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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