One response to “A1: Is VR the “ultimate empathy machine?””

  1. SallyB

    Hi Olivia!
    Wonderful resource. It was easy to follow and provided just the right depth of information.
    Based on your research and analysis I’m inclined to agree that VR is not the “ultimate empathy machine”, however I think it offers unique experiences that may enhance empathy outcomes in certain situations. I was drawn to the ” MPathic-VRâ„¢” example from your “Research and Studies” page, because it reminded me of a digital module I completed recently where I was able to interact with (digital/AI) students to practice appreciative advising skills. It was an impressive, and useful activity for skills practice, and I wonder if it also had the side-benefit of enhancing empathy? My experience was not VR, just on a screen, but I imagine the ‘immersion’ and ‘presence’ aspects of VR would amplify any empathy effects. And to your point about not being able to replicate someone’s experience, I guess on the flip-side, there is potential for VR to amplify stereotypes and other forms of misinformation too. This was a very interesting resource. Thanks!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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