2 responses to “A1 – Seeing through the eyes of others”

  1. hasssae1

    Hi Nicole,
    Excellent work, I truly enjoyed this learning experience. Much appreciated.
    In my humble opinion, the key highlight was the opening paragraph where you showed how dyslexic learners would see those first couple paragraphs. To answer your question with regard to areas within your website that do not meet the needs of a dyslexic learner, I would have to say that if it could provide the reader with ability to customize text color, size, or font, line spacing, etc… it would have been great. Regardless, its great work. Thank you.

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Nicole Kenny

      I’m glad you liked it! When I came across the gif, I thought it was a great example. In speaking with my son he tends to see colours with the letters. I found it very interesting how playing with text made the content easier or harder for him to read. You are correct with the customization aspect of the website. There are several others that I hope people will catch!

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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