A1: Open Resources and Adaptive Assessment

Earlier in the course (week 3?), I opted to share a site I have made extensive use of in my practice, which is ck12.org. As I explained previously, their mission has been to make learning more open (all resources are under a creative commons licence), flexible (resources can be accessed on desktop or mobile interfaces) and personalized (adaptive practice assessments differentiate problem-solving difficulty based on student performance and recommend lessons worth reviewing as necessary). In the screencast video below, I explore some of their “Flexbook” resources on my phone to demonstrate how they might be used by mobile learners in an open classroom; please let me know what you think in the comments below!


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2 responses to “A1: Open Resources and Adaptive Assessment”

  1. hasssae1

    Hi Brendan,
    Thank you for the great presentation and for introducing ck12.org. What I particularly liked about your presentation was the fact that you did the entire thing on your mobile device which definitely added to the learning experience. I can clearly see how CK12.org could add value as an informal learning platform. The fact that personal libraries can be created/saved, was a very nice touch too. The biggest selling feature for me however was that the platform offers both text-based as well as video information. Additionally, the knowledge checks were simple, yet complemented the previous steps quite nicely. Question for you Brendan, what is one (1) improvement/change that you would like to see happen in ck12.org?

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. brendan stanford

      Thanks for the feedback! I think I would like to see streamlining of the user interface. For example, when I choose a lesson, it takes me to a screen where I’m asked to “start” that lesson before actually showing the content. Little steps like this seem unnecessary and can lead to confusion where some students think they are locked out

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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