A1 – Emerging Practices in Accessible LMS Platform Design

Hello to all,

For my A1 project, I chose to focus on accessible design as it pertains to my own professional work. As such, I wanted to do a deep dive of a very useful tool that can be integrated into an LMS or webpage called “ReadSpeaker”. Please take a look at this interactive webpage to learn a little more about the tool, its’ pros and cons and how I use it in my professional practise.


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2 responses to “A1 – Emerging Practices in Accessible LMS Platform Design”

  1. hasssae1

    Hi Sage,
    I enjoyed this helpful presentation, thank you. Particularly because it ties nicely to what I do in my professional life. I started reading and researching more about ReadSpeaker and think it’s quite a useful application. Couple questions crossed my mind as I was researching this particular text-to-speech application. How easy was it for you to get leadership buy-in and implement ReadSpeaker in your online course content? The reason I ask is because you mentioned in the presentation that it’s a paid service. Also, have you done any sort of formal/informal feedback session, to see how all students (not only those with visual impairments) feel about this application? Thank you.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Olivia Tarasewicz

    Very informative presentation Sage! At my last job, I worked with seniors and a program like Readspeaker could really open some doors for seniors to have better access to technology. Do you think there is much of a push for organizations to make their online content more accessible? I would love to see features like Readspeaker in the MET program.

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