A1- Hello! How are you feeling today?

Emotional Intelligence Apps in the Context of Learning and Leading


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5 responses to “A1- Hello! How are you feeling today?”

  1. Michelle Kim

    Hello, and thank you for sharing your post. Social Emotional Learning(SEL), including self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and self-management, is extremely important in a classroom, especially at a younger age. I specifically use the Zones of Regulations in my classroom, where students check for their emotions and express their feelings through four different coloured zones. However, I always find it quite challenging to follow up with my students independently to guide and walk through their emotions. I’m interested and excited to try some of the applications you suggested on your website.

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  2. Agnes

    As I reviewed the resource you created, I noticed the focus on EI and leadership and was impressed with Amazon’s practices you described. You mentioned that prior to utilizing a company device, employees need to engage in some self-reflection and consideration of their recent experiences and current emotions. This article sparked the thought that many classrooms, mine included also ask students to engage in reflection before they enter the classroom by pointing to an emoji, or in a google form survey. Encouraging awareness of emotions is awesome. One step further would be using an app such as Bloom (Meemo Media Inc.), that not only helps someone recognize their emotions but uses cognitive behaviour therapy to work through emotions and teach the brain how to get back to one’s baseline. How cool it would be to give the students that type of EI training each day?

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  3. Olivia Tarasewicz

    Hi Melissa, Great website! I was first exposed to the idea of EI at work when I had the chance to take an EI inventory and the focus was on developing leadership skills. I had not considered applying the concept of EI to learning. I have heard of some K-12 schools adopting mindfulness practices like meditation to school with great success. Unfortunately, I have not heard or seen the idea of EI applied in adult learning as I think it is expected as adults we should do this kind of self-improvement work on our own time. Wouldn’t it be cool if UBC offered students free access to a meditation app like Headspace or Calm like it does for MS Office?

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  4. miguel rojas ortega

    Very good analysis of EI, I will share this with my students and with the Wellness teacher at my school. In the last 5 years wellness has become a major topic in not only yoga, medication, and fitness but has become an area of focus in the workplace and education system. I know a lot of people starting to their masters in Mindful Base Teaching and Learning. Every month there’s a new app that is wellness related and more and more programs care for the incorporation of this practice for better performance in the workplace. Everyone has a phone now, and I believe technology and wellness in the form of apps can help students who often struggle with bullying, harassment, and identity.

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  5. grace reid

    Thanks for your post. I’m happy that you shared a list of apps to support EI. Mobile devices are often seen as polar to mindfulness, but I see great potential. Another app I use with learners and my own children is Noisili. This is an app that allows you to create a sound scape. In addition to the calming sounds that you choose the app ebbs and flows with light.

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