A1 – Micro-Learning and 7taps

Hi Everyone,

Below you will find two links and their respective QR codes to two courses I have created using the 7taps application.

The first course focuses on micro-learning as a whole, while the second course offers a more in-depth analysis of the 7taps micro-learning platform.

I have noticed that quite a few of us have elected to look at micro-learning for our A1 assignment and as such, in the spirit of micro-learning, if you feel comfortable with the concept, feel free to only explore the “7taps Introduction and Review” course which is focused more on the 7taps application.

Please note that the first course, “Micro-learning with 7taps,” was done using the a free account, while the second course, “7taps Introduction and Review,” was done using a paid account. This was done intentionally to highlight one the primary drawbacks of the program which is discussed in the “7taps Introduction and Review” course.

I have chosen to included to my references for the two courses below as a full citation page did not lend itself aesthetically to the two courses.

Any and all feedback is welcome!


Course 1: Micro-Learning with 7taps

Link: https://app.7taps.com/VjwjUrRBCb

Course 2: 7taps Introduction and Review

Link: https://app.7taps.com/MxavSrVgfR


Bae, K.S. (2004). The Reasons for Attrition of the adult students participating in Vocational Education and Training. M. Edu. Thesis, Korea University of Technology and Education. 

Chuanxue, W., and Zhang, J. (2015) Design of a microlecture mobile learning system based on smartphone and web platforms. IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 58, pp. 203-207.

Gerhard, G., Hug, T. & Glahn, C. (2004) Integrated Micro learning – An outline of the basic method and first results. In Proc. ICL ’04, p. 109-121.

Hug T. 2005. Micro-learning and narration. In Proc. MiT ’04, pp. 6-8.

Nikou, S. A., & Economides, A. A. (2018). Mobile-based micro-learning and assessment: Impact on learning performance and motivation of high school students. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(3), 269-278.

Sirwan Mohammed, G. , Wakil, K. & Sirwan Nawroly, S. (2018). The Effectiveness of Microlearning to Improve Students’ Learning Ability . International Journal of Educational Research Review, 3 (3) , 32-38 . DOI: 10.24331/ijere.415824

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5 responses to “A1 – Micro-Learning and 7taps”

  1. Nicole Kenny

    Hi Benjamin,
    Thanks for putting the use of microlearning into practice for us! I loved the simplicity of how it was used and fact that there was some support within the app for those with learning disabilities. The aspects that I think really support the use of microlearning is the fact that it allows the learning to control the content and the condensed content that focuses on the most important aspects should lead learners to dive in deeper on topics they are most interested in and engaged in. I also think that microlearning has a huge opportunity to be used with learners who have learning disabilities such as ADHD and dyslexia. It would be interesting to see if there would be a correlation between increased retention and test scores with those who struggle to pay attention or find content on pages or presentations overwhelming.

    The other aspect of microlearning that I like is the fact it forces a Subject Matter Expert (SME) to distill content to the most important points which from a knowledge transfer perspective is another important aspect for employee training where you can reduce the time needed to get new staff up to speed.

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  2. mistermc

    I enjoyed your meta-learning experience using the 7taps platform. I agree that it’s a shame how expensive it is to get the premium features. I’ve found that no matter what the cost, the simple act of having a cost determines if users are in or out. I have turned away from many programs even at $1 per month just because of the concept of payment and worry that I will not use it. I think their premium price is for those organizations that are fully buying into this idea. At $1200 per year for an organization, it’s actually quite inexpensive compared to many training platforms or training days that often result in travel and significant time away from one’s role.

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    1. benjamin coulombe

      You’re absolutely correct that it is designed with larger organizations in mind. I had no idea how the annual cost matched up against other professional platforms so it is nice to know that it is relatively inexpensive. I am currently working for a school board in Ontario and have suggested the program to them to streamline some of the training videos. Ironically, most training videos at school boards are very long and dense despite suggesting that our classroom lessons are short, meaningful, and engaging. Not exactly leading by example! I think micro-learning would be a huge benefit to organizations with frequent training programs. I agree with in you in the sense that whenever I see a monthly fee, regardless of cost, my immediate reaction is to avoid it out of a similar fear of not using it enough.

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  3. Kendall

    Hi Benjamin,
    Eeeek! I loved your 7taps presentation and analysis! It so makes me want to try my own hand at creating some microlearning lessons for my own students! From your critique, it seems really very easy to use and intuitive as well. I am really sad to know that the upgraded version is so expensive; it really limits its use to a lot of the population of teachers who would be able to use it, as it clearly is tailoring that option to businesses and higher education.
    Thank you so much for sharing your presentation, Benjamin!

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    1. benjamin coulombe

      Hi Kendall,

      Thank you for your response! I had a lot of fun working with 7taps and would highly recommend trying it out. I actually decided to write to them about a possibility of a personal subscription at a lower monthly fee. I hope the consider the feedback. I am optimistic though as they have a great customer service team it seems. I have even started using the free version to create micro-lessons for my students for when they miss a lesson or need a refresher. There are tons of possibilities!

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