Greetings from the Prairies!
My name is Agnes, and I teach in Saskatchewan, Canada. One thing I am looking forward to most within ETEC 523, is the collaborative nature of our learning and knowledge processes. Over the last few days, I had the opportunity to e-meet many of my fellow classmates and I am looking forward to a great […]
Hi – Elizabeth
Being of settler descent, I’d like to acknowledge the relationship with the land I live in, and work is everywhere traditional and ancestral. Many generations of Cree, Saulteaux, Nakado Sioux, and Métis footsteps have flattened the grasslands and aspen parkland within Treaty 6. My footsteps have felt these same lands beneath our steps like my […]
Hello all, I am currently exactly halfway completed the MET program (5 down, 5 to go!) and looking forward to completing these two courses (ETEC 512 as well) without the pressures of juggling this program along with a traditional classroom during the summer months. During the day I am a high school physics and math […]
Hi! – Intro
Hi everyone! My name is Jackson and I’m currently a third-year teacher working in the beautiful Vancouver district. I specialize in English/ELL with sprinkles of Career Life Education and Digital Literacy. This is my one of my last two courses in this program; time flies. Personally, I enjoy implementing games into learning. Although I’ve had […]