Quizlet – A Mobile AI Learning Assistant

My students are always looking for ways to test or quiz themselves on the content we are learning, however, are more inclined and motivated to do so through a mobile device.

Although Quizlet has been around since 2015, there are continuous updates to the software to make studying more memorable and relevant. The app is available in 15+ languages such as English, Dutch, French, Japanese, German, Chinese, and Spanish. Therefore, this app caters to a diverse group of learners. Quizlet is a mobile app that allows you to make virtual cue cards, quizzes, games, challenges, and solutions. Not only does Quizlet connect to your learning but can also connect with other people in your class and from around the world. You can share your information to other people so they too can study similar material.

Teachers can also create a Quizlet account and post information to this learning platform for students to respond, practice, and use as homework. Not only does this limit the amount of paper used in classrooms, it can help students start to see their mobile device as an educational tool both in and out of school. Additionally, Quizlet is a free app that allows users to participate online or offline, which benefits everyone.

What are your thoughts on Quizlet? Can you see yourself using an online study app that helps encourage the use of proper mobile device in your classroom?

Here is a short video demonstrating a few things Quizlet can do:

( Average Rating: 4.5 )

2 responses to “Quizlet – A Mobile AI Learning Assistant”

  1. Eduardo Rebagliati

    Hello Meghan. Thanks for sharing. I find it intriguing that your students prefer being tested on mobiles and got me thinking about how I might also prefer that. It’s interesting to think about how technologies might change perceptions of assessment and the implications in such a case. This reminds me of some research we looked at in ETEC 500 that focused on differences between technology vs. pen assessment. This is an interesting tool and I like that it has the sharing element which adds a dimension of being a community of practice. I can imagine students being more attracted to being tested on this platform because, as we saw in the first week of this course, mobiles have become a part of our identity, so it feels more familiar and engaging.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Megan Ravenhill

      Yes! I remember that study, and it was interesting to see who preformed better on the standard literacy test. Yes, I think that testing this way, or studying, would allow students to feel more familiar with the content. Students are fairly well versed in technology and seem to be able to use their mobile devices quite effectively.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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