A1: Mobile Friendly LMS – Google Workplace for Education

Google has always been a powerhouse, especially in the last 8-10 year when they developed a digital workplace for education. Before the pandemic, I was hesitant to use Google Classroom with my students, however, after a few years of experience, it has helped transform the way I design lessons, improve my digital literacy, and provide meaningful feedback to my students.

Google Workplace for Education is a multi-educational tool that helps provide an online learning and collaborative environment for students of all ages. As a mobile friendly LMS, it helps teachers and students connect with ease.

Google is constantly evolving and so are the Classroom features. Take a look through my presentation to understand what Google Workplace for Education has to offer.

You can also view my Genially at: https://view.genial.ly/62b5439f148c610012fd5476/presentation-geometric-project-presentation

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5 responses to “A1: Mobile Friendly LMS – Google Workplace for Education”

  1. Agnes

    Great presentation! I am a big advocate for Google Education, and have been an avid user of the Google suite for years now! I recall attending the Google for Education conference in Edmonton, and Arizona, and since then I have been so immersed in the education technology field. Google Classroom won me early on. I remember at the Google for Education conference, one of the presenters wanted me to share my work on Google Sites because then I was using the old Google Sites for student portfolios and it was a new concept for teachers. As someone who has used Google Classroom from early on, one of the features I am so happy that was included was the ‘scheduled posts’ feature. I appreciate that Google offers certification for teachers, and also asks for feedback on how to improve their Google products. One of the features I hope comes soon, is a ‘search’ option for past posts. At the moment we can hunt through past posts to reuse material/assignments, but it would be nice to search for a particular keyword of a post.

    ( 3 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Megan Ravenhill

      Hi Agnes!

      I too love Google Education! I have found it extremely easy to figure out and so have my students. The scheduled post feature is key! I love that my students can only see the information I want them to at a certain time. This helps ensure most students are working at the same rate.

      I agree, that would be an awesome feature!

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. sebastien renald

    The ???? were a thumbs up emoji… sorry 😉

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. sebastien renald

    Hello Megan, good job with genially, it’s very interesting. My favorite part is the podcast about your analysis of Google Workplace for Education. ???? I used Google Classroom before the pandemic, but I was one of the only ones at my school. Since teaching online, Google Workplace for Education has become mandatory for all teachers in my school. I also see a lot of advantages and I feel like I couldn’t teach without it anymore. I wonder if I will one day discover other “classrooms” as user-friendly as those of Google. For the moment, the competition seems absent. I have to admit that I hardly ever used the mobile version with my phone or tablet. Is it as easy to use as the computer one?

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Megan Ravenhill

      Hi Sebastien,

      I love the mobile version! I find it really convenient when I have left work and need to post an announcement for my students, I am able to do that from anywhere! I try to delete it off my phone during the breaks (Christmas, spring break, etc…) as I get the notifications and can find them a little overwhelming at times on my personal device.

      Thank you for taking the time to look through my presentation 🙂

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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