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A3: Alberta Education Peer-to-Peer App

A3: Alberta Education Peer-to-Peer App

My idea for my forecasting project is the design of a mobile application to connect physics students across Alberta to allow for discussion between students that would not otherwise be able to communicate. Please follow the link below to view my proposal:

Green Life Matters Podcast – A3

Green Life Matters Podcast – A3

A3 – How an idea became global with mobile collaboration Dear colleagues, Following the global COVID 2022 pandemic, I took on a challenge with my students: we became a paperless classroom. Although we were back in class physically after almost two years of online teaching, I wanted to keep what is positive in this new […]

Speakeasy: Mobile Language Learning

Speakeasy: Mobile Language Learning

My A3 is a mobile application Proof of Concept. I named it “Speakeasy.” It combines mobile technology with AI, speech recognition and gamification, and aims to improve language learning education, particularly pronunciation and conversational skills. Enjoy!

A3: StudentConnect Application

As an educator, do you find that much of your time is spent trying to work towards helping your students with interpersonal conflicts? You spend a lot of time trying to decipher what is happening with students as they are not always forthcoming with information. Do you sometimes wish that your students could communicate the […]

A2: Week 11-Augmented Reality

A2: Week 11-Augmented Reality

Dear ETEC523 colleagues, For our Open Educational Resource (OER) on augmented reality (AR), we chose to utilize a critical lens in order to examine some of the main critiques of incorporating AR into an educational context. Using these critiques, we next identified strategies and resources that could be utilized by educators to gain familiarity and […]

The Robotic Peer App

The Robotic Peer App

Hello! Ever feel like you’re stuck on a paper and you don’t know what questions to ask yourself to help with your reflection and analysis to think deeper about the topic? Or ever felt like you don’t quite understand the instructions of an assignment? The Robotic Peer is an application that talks to you and […]

A3: Everyday Eye-Tracking on Mobile Devices

A3: Everyday Eye-Tracking on Mobile Devices

Hi everyone. Every feel like your hands or wrists are getting tired or cramped from using your devices? This is my A3 assignment on everyday eye-tracking for mobile devices. Here is my Visme presentation.

A2: MOOCs (Week 10)

A2: MOOCs (Week 10)

MOOCs Here you will find our Open Educational Resource (OER) on Massive Open Online Courses (commonly referred to as MOOCs). Our OER was created as an e-learning module in an effort to mirror a format commonly used in MOOCs. You will work through a series of lessons, some of which contain activities and/or videos. There […]