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Cospaces Edu – Another Look

Cospaces Edu – Another Look

Cospaces Edu is a powerful website that enables students to explore and create VR and AR worlds. Although this website and app was mentioned in this post (CoSpaces Edu | ETEC523: Mobile and Open Learning ( I think it is worth a second look. In the classroom, students can create worlds in VR that are […]

Google Classroom App- most friendly online classroom platform for all learners, an excellent teaching tool during pandemic

Google Classroom App- most friendly online classroom platform for all learners, an excellent teaching tool during pandemic

Google Classroom has long been a favourite of mine. As this relatively simple tool develops and expands, I continue to be amazed. The Google Classroom mobile app is a great example mobile technology. It can be challenging as an ESL teacher to ensure that your students comprehend the instructions.They sometimes dislike reading, or it can […]