Week Eight A2: MOOC – Theory and Practice
Introduction Dear readers, According to the report ““Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Market – Forecasts from 2022 to 2027”, COVID-19 had a positive impact on the MOOC market, and free online educational products have exploded in numbers, platforms, and target audiences. No longer are they just Higher Education academic courses (although this is still the […]
Mobile Community of Practice – A1
Learning occurs at schools, universities and businesses. Since mobile devices are abundantly available and are becoming increasingly affordable, businesses use applications for managing projects, communication and collaboration. In every business corporate, there are new employees, different projects and leaving staff. Employees’ learning and knowledge retention one of the main components of a successful business. This […]
[A1] RPGs – Tabletop & Play-By-Post
I’ve had an immense interest in roleplaying games for more than half my life. It’s something I hold near and dear. This is an exploration and analysis of my favourite hobby. You can find the link to the podcast here, and the transcript here. Resources Bautista, K. A. L. (2022). Building Character by Building Characters: […]
A1: Augmented Reality
Please view my analytical project by following the link below https://sites.google.com/view/arsafa523/home
Assignment 1- TED Talks as a Mobile Learning Tool
Hi Everyone, I’m reposting my assignment link through a WIX website as I have been having difficulties embedding sites into my UBC blogs site. I apologise for the inconvenience. Please check out the following link to access my Assignment 1 website: https://louisaagreen.wixsite.com/ubc-met-523-mobile-a TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design and there is a vast collection of […]
Learning Mobility
Many digital mobile technologies have all contributed to diminish the requirement for learning to happen in some constant, physical space, a centre of learning. Learning can happen anywhere, at any time. It is becoming less and less of a necessity for learners to physically come together to engage in collaborative learning processes, and learning can […]
A1 – Location-Based Learning
For this first assignment, I’ve chosen to do a podcast as I think that is the one of best modalities for mobile learning when it comes to something conceptual, like the topic of location based learning. This is my first podcast, and it took some time to find the right tool to easily record, edit, […]
A1- LIVEWORKSHEETS- Creating Interactive Worksheets and get instant student grades
During 2020 Pandemic, all schools were forced to close as governments around the world took major action to stop the spread of COVID-19. As a result, the Pandemic prompted educators to begin online instruction and maintain virtual student participation. During Pandemic, I began making full use of Liveworksheets and learning how to construct worksheets based […]
A1-Digital Data Storage and Retrieval
As a busy pottery studio owner, teacher and collaborator, I don’t struggle to organize all the physical ceramic pieces that are created in our studio by a couple hundred people each month. However, as learning and development of techniques and glazes is an ongoing process, it is the work that has passed through my space […]