Mobile Community of Practice – A1

Learning occurs at schools, universities and businesses. Since mobile devices are abundantly available and are becoming increasingly affordable, businesses use applications for managing projects, communication and collaboration. In every business corporate, there are new employees, different projects and leaving staff. Employees’ learning and knowledge retention one of the main components of a successful business. 

This is the link for my Google slides presentation

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One response to “Mobile Community of Practice – A1”

  1. Douglas Millie


    Professional Learning Communities are arguably a Community of Practice that have been promoted heavily in the Education sector. My own school division pushed PLC’s very hard for a few years, but really struggled because of the rural setting and substantial distances. With the improvements in these platforms and high speed internet, I had hoped to see some form a little more naturally. What appeared instead, however, more closely resembles affinity groups where teachers of different subjects and levels could chat and share. Definitely a step in the right direction!

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