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A2: Week 7 – Artificial Intelligence

A2: Week 7 – Artificial Intelligence

Hosted by Meagan Strome and Ritu Sood. Welcome to our open educational resource on artificial intelligence (AI) in education. This topic is huge! So, we have decided to focus on Generative AI technology in the education sector. Have you ever wondered how generative AI could be used to enhance the educational experience? AI technologies are advancing […]

A1: Mobile Ethical Shopping Movement

A1: Mobile Ethical Shopping Movement

Hello everyone, Ethical shopping is something that has become much more main stream as online shopping has unlocked a whole new world of shopping possibilities. I have created a Google sites to dive into this subject for my A1 project. I should note that I am an elementary school junior/intermediate teacher, and when creating this […]

A1: Augmented-Reality (AR) Filters in Education

The following presentation is my analytical report on Augmented-Reality (AR) Filters in education. Please click on the link to open the Google Slides or you may also open it as a pdf file. Then easily navigate through the presentation by clicking on the links indicated by underlined text. Augmented Reality Filters in Education Google Slides […]

A1: Mobile Payment in Education

A1: Mobile Payment in Education

Hello and welcome to my Analytical Publishing Project on Mobile Payment Technology in Education. As a parent and teacher, I am always trying to find change for my kids’ “fun lunches” or collect funds for field trips from my students. It would be great if the education sector adopted mobile payment technology, making it easier […]

A1: Mobile Fitness Apps as Coaching Tools

With the development of smartphones, many more people gained access to handy GPS systems. Shortly after, developers began to leverage these devices for tracking hikes, runs, rides and other activities. School coaches could be leveraging these increasingly sophisticated apps with their teams. Mobile Fitness Apps My journey with mobile fitness apps began in 2013 when, […]

A1: Facebook for Learning Foreign Writing

A1: Facebook for Learning Foreign Writing

A1: FACEBOOK FOR LEARNING FOREIGN WRITING I apologize for this rather quickly built and simple project, but I thought about the value of asynchronous collaborative tools for English writing after I saw “Mobile collaboration” project (thank you, Vithu and Robyn!) a week ago, so I utilized what was available. My idea is that any asynchronous […]

Week 6 – Assignment 2 – DIY Learning

Week 6 – Assignment 2 – DIY Learning

Hi everyone, and welcome to our presentation for Moveable Feast and our topic for week 6 is DIY “Do-it-Yourself” Learning. We have created a website about DIY and the influence of Mobile technology on this type of learning. Please read through our website. When you reach the Activities page, you are welcome to choose any […]

The Social Trend of Micro-Expressions

This trend of becoming an “influencer” seems to be affecting social interactions and the mental health of people who are aiming for it. This is like a popularity contest run amok, where the posts are desperate for more likes, and have actual mental breakdowns when they don’t get enough likes. This striving to be more […]

Can TikTok be used for education?

My name is Catriona Imray, and I teach math and science to 10-12th grades at North Peace Secondary School in Fort St. John, BC. Before becoming a teacher, I spent about 12 years as a field geologist, and now use that knowledge and experience to share with my students. I personally don’t use TikTok for […]