
I challenged myself and recorded my analyses as an audio recording/podcast. It is a bit choppy as it was my first time using Audacity.


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4 responses to “Micro-Learning”

  1. Bianca Therese Joson

    Hi Elvio,

    I’m not sure if it’s just my computer, but I can’t seem to load your podcast. 🙁

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Elvio Castelli

      Thanks for pointing that out, Bianca! I think I fixed the problem!

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
      1. Bianca Therese Joson


        It now works. Thanks.

        I agree that micro-learning can be a good tool for review or as part of a pre-course study package. It’s very good for professionals who have a tight schedule.

        You mentioned the framework for micro-learning. I’m curious about the differences between writing content for micro learning vs. normal online delivery. Are you able to provide some of the things mentioned in the framework?

        Have you tried to use micro-learning in your classes. If yes, how did you design the materials? You were in the same ETEC 510 class as me last semester and I vaguely remember that you’re an elementary school teacher. 🙂

        ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
        1. Elvio Castelli

          Hi Bianca! Yes, I was teaching in an elementary school, and now I teach in a high school. When I reflect on my teaching, I don’t think that I have successfully integrated micro-teaching into my practice.

          I found my information about micro-learning pedagogy in Corbeil, J. R., Khan, B. H., Valdés-Corbeil, M. E., & Taylor & Francis eBooks A-Z. (2021). Microlearning in the digital age: The design and delivery of learning in snippets. Routledge. This work was very informative, and I found myself reading it for interest, way beyond what I needed for the assignment.

          Another very useful and unique work was Microlearning: Short and Sweet by Robyn A. Defelice, Karl M. Kapp (Found at https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/microlearning-short-and/9781949036749/OEBPS/c01.htm).

          ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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