5 responses to “A3: 5G AI School Bus”

  1. Katie

    Hi Sebastian,
    What a fascinating idea. Thank you for sharing it with us in such an engaging way. I look forward to seeing elements of your idea come to life in the future. Living in the Bay Area in California over the past year, I was exposed to many autonomous vehicles being “trained” in traffic – this would have been wild to see with a school bus and nerve wracking for a whole slough of reasons.

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  2. john hamblett

    Hi Sebastian,
    I appreciate your dedication to the forecasting idea! Very creative and fits the bill of the A3 assignment guidelines. It really felt like I was put into the future where this company exists and you were a real CEO of the company being interviewed. I’m curious to see if this will happen, or how long it will take to come to fruition. Your technology was well researched and clearly outlined.

    One suggestion would be to have a transcription (like Meagan suggested), or include chapters so listeners can easily listen again to specific parts of the podcast.

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  3. meagan kelm

    Hi Sebastian

    Thanks for your work on this. I enjoyed the podcast medium you chose as it was different and the interview style was engaging. I would have loved to have had a transcript of the podcast as well as I have a hearing impairment and sometimes it is easier to read instead of listen.

    I do think the idea of autonomous automobiles is something with a lot of positives to it such as greater road safety being at the top but I think with a bus full of kids the supervision aspect is something that would have to be looked at. Another hurdle I think could be parent buy in, although the research suggests that autonomous vehicles can be more safe with 94% of crashes being caused by human error, I think there is still a distrust of AI and machines doing human work like driving and then add people’s children in and it could be a hard sell. Introduction into other public transportation initially may help with the transition to school busses.

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  4. Michelle Kim

    Hi Sebastian,
    Thank you for sharing such an exciting idea with us. The way you recorded and organized your podcast is well thought out, easy to follow, and very realistic. I especially appreciated the later part of the podcast, where you covered the primary concern of safety. There were two main areas of safety concern when I thought of the idea of an autonomous school bus: driving ability and leaving children unsupervised. In addition to the points you mentioned during your podcast, I looked up some articles regarding autonomous automobiles. I found an interesting one about the first self-driving public bus.(https://www.cnet.com/tech/i-rode-the-worlds-first-autonomous-public-bus-service/)
    Regarding the safety of the driving ability, like any other new technology, there will be a trial-and-error period, and eventually, it will settle into our daily lives. However, I would still be concerned about the safety of our children left without adult supervision. Although you brought up some insightful ideas about the live updates or only allowing apps to access the bus entrance, I can’t help thinking about the other risks or dangers of children being left alone for quite some time. From simple questions about the chances of arguments or fights among children to some serious issues regarding the possible risk of kidnapping with physical use of violence to break into the bus, I may be overthinking these issues. Still, considering my experience in travelling by buses on field trips with a large group of young students, these risks must be well thought out to implement these buses into our school systems.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  5. andrew dunn

    Thanks Sebastian – an interesting idea!

    I just finished reading Meredith Broussard’s Artificial Unintelligence (https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262537018/artificial-unintelligence/).
    She has a counter-argument on the desirability of autonomous vehicles: https://www.vox.com/2019/3/27/18194715/self-driving-cars-uber-lyft

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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