Managing Increasing Assessement Data in Education
In many jurisdictions, British Columbia in particular, there has been a shift in K-12 assessment towards proficiency-based assessment and reporting. This has required teaching staff to change not only the manner in which they teach, but also the manner in which they assess. Rubrics that reference the learning standards (core competencies and curricular competencies) are […]
A3 – GLAZee
An AR & AI based app for the practical potter of the future. Technology meets the crafts person halfway to ease the anxiety of glazing ceramics. This same technology also gives some creative play options to the consumer and encourages the support of small businesses and shopping local. Please check out my website!
A3: Using Technology to Assist in Physical Literacy
Here is a link to my Forecasting submission. I’ve also embedded the youtube video here as well. Follow-up to video: A classmate pointed out that the video didn’t spend too much time diving into how the app would work. Here is a short paragraph adding a bit more detail: I envisioned this movement tracking app […]
A3: The Future of Language Learning
Please visit this website to view my prediction for language learning apps. For the best mobile experience, rotate your screen lengthwise.
Open and Mobile World and Its Beacons My A3 grew up from an ETEC 523 Week 3 Mobile Culture/Social Media Ethics focus, through the topic of open and mobile learning under the influence of our brilliant professor and available UBC resources, and turned into something technologically philosophical. Firstly, the following observations of my ETEC 523 […]
A3: The Future of Apprenticeships
I have forecasted the future of apprenticeships, with a focus on the following aspects: Please view my assignment by clicking on the link below: The Future of Apprenticeships
A3: The Technological Future of K-12 Education
In this video, I imagine the future of K-12 Education to be an integrated combination of AI-powered tutors, MOOC’s and Game Based Learning leveraging mobile devices both inside and outside of traditional classrooms. Schools become reorganized by common interests instead of age alone, resulting in diverse multi-grade communities building on the automated, technological foundations. As […]
A3 FORECASTING PROJECT THE FUTURE OF CLASSROOMS- 3D Virtual Classrooms How will the Future Classrooms look like?Welcome to the classroom of the future that I envisioned. Teaching and learning, in which individuals gain knowledge through seeing their parents, teachers, friends, and mentors, is one of the oldest professions in the world. During formal sessions, teachers […]
A3: Conv AR
Please view my A3 below.
A2: Week 12 Siri and Her Siblings
Hosted by Jamie Mayo Welcome to our last week of the Moveable Feast! This topic was a lot of fun to research and explore. I hope that you’ll find the information enclosed pertinent and useful for your own educational endeavours. I decided to focus on the most popular current smart assistants (Siri, Alexa and Google […]