Final Grades Returned
Bravo everyone, you’re all done! Each of you should now have received a private email from me offering my comments on your A3 and A4 assignments, along with a tally of your final grades in the course. I hope I tallied correctly. Please email me immediately if you haven’t received you final grades, or if […]
Final Steps
Thanks everyone for your good attention to the collective review process and to the concluding activities of the course. The Mobile Forum was entirely worthwhile. Your work for now is done, although I know you’ll agree that our odyssey into our collective mobile and open technologies future has barely begun. I’ve completed an initial review […]
The Mobile Forum is in Motion
Happy Monday All – Via individual email you should now all have received your review assignments for this final week’s Mobile Forum. The full instructions for the Mobile Forum are available in the Weekly Schedule. You may, of course, review as many A3 posts as you wish – this assignment is simply meant to ensure […]
A3: CounselBuddy – Creating an App to Increase Guidance Counselor Access
Hello fellow 523 students, I’ve imagined an App that directly links to what I do in managing my school’s post-secondary guidance department. What if there was an app that enabled connection with guidance counselors and access to resources for the many students who are placed with schools with untenable guidance counselor-to-student ratios? Please check out […]
A3 – The Future of Education: Immersive (and Inclusive) Learning
For this project, I wrote a blogpost on Medium that is accessible here: Let me know your thoughts on this! ChatGPT provides this summary when I prompted it with the following:“ the following above blogpost page.” ChatGPT 4o Mini’s Response: The blog post titled “The Future of Education: Immersive and Inclusive Learning” explores how advancements […]
A3: VoxFranco, a Comprehensive Mobile Language Learning App
As an Early French Immersion teacher, I am interested in investigating the shortcomings of language learning and figuring out how to improve the experience of French Language learning. Canadian French Language learning and instruction is at a crossroads, as multiple factors affect the current and future success of the system. My presentation (found HERE) imagines […]
A3: BlockChain Technology (BCT)
I decided to tackle BlockChain Technology (BCT) for my Assignment 3: Forecasting Project. The aim of my website is to deconstruct BCT then discuss the horizontal disruption it could make in the future of education, with particular focus on open and mobile learning. I have laced several reflection questions throughout the website that I hope you return […]
A3: Exploring Potentials and Future Trends of Holography in Education
Hi everyone, For this assignment, I’ve chosen to examine the potentials of holography for mobile technologies within education. You can access the site here: ETEC523: Forecasting Project. Enjoy! Lynn
Enhancing Cybersecurity Education Through Generative Simulations
Hello everyone, Welcome to my A3 Forecasting Project on “Enhancing Cybersecurity Education Through Generative Simulations.” This project builds upon the insights from the A1 Analysis and applies them to the realm of cybersecurity. It explores the transformative potential of fully automated simulation generation, particularly when integrated with gamified learning. These innovative generative simulations represent a […]