9 responses to “A3: 3D Holograms in Education”

  1. Katie

    Hi Jennie and Meagan,

    Thank you for such a thoroughly researched idea! I think you thoroughly outlined the potentials of 3D holograms in education in an engaging way and provided a unique perspective on the topic. Your idea is well thought out, imaginative yet realistic, and grounded in research.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Bianca Therese Joson

    Hi Jennie and Meagan,
    I enjoyed your resource! With all the attention that VR and MR is getting, I forgot that holograms are also in the running. I personally don’t know much about holograms so I appreciate the intro to hologram video you provided.

    Telepresence also caught my attention. It’s a really cool concept especially when social distancing was still in effect. To develop the topic further, to what extent to do you think telepresence could be used in the future? On the top of my head, I think it could be used for conferences where the presenter could not be physically present in the venue. I would have liked to see more speculation or prediction to further enrich the topic.

    I work in the aviation industry and we rely on simulation to train air traffic controllers. Your resource gave me another way to approach simulation. At the moment, air traffic controllers rely on 2D screen displays and it places a heavy cognitive load on controllers because they have to visualize the speed and placement of an aircraft. With holograms, that cognitive load could be possibly lowered as holograms can display scaled 3D models of an aircraft. This then provides better depth because the hologram can allow students to locate planes easily and organize them in “real” space. I got into a mini rabbit hole and read a journal article about the future use of holograms in air navigation.
    If you want to do some extra reading, it can be found here: https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/jate/vol10/iss1/2/

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Elvio Castelli

    Hi, Jennie and Meagan,
    As a visual learner, I am stoked for holograms. I see this technology as playing a huge role in education and business. I wanted to mention that I think it will be very beneficial in tech training. Having students conceptualize and create a prototype and then portray it using hologram technology where they can conceptualize and further experiment with it would be the ideal environment for Kolb’s experiential learning theory.
    Thanks for your contribution,

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. john hamblett

    Hi Jennie and Meagan,
    Thanks for presenting such a detailed website. I knew little about how holograms work and the challenges of developing them before exploring your website. However, your content clearly outlined it in a comprehensive, yet easy to understand way. Any videos you included were short in length and included a description. The pros and cons interactivity on the education page added some variety as well. Moreover, a small yet effective component you included on your website was the brief descriptions of each subpage of your website that you included on your homepage. What a great idea!

    My only criticism for the project was that it felt like an A2 assignment, not an A3 assignment. It was informative, showed practical uses, and explained pros and cons, and how the technology worked. However, the forecasting component of the website felt small in comparison to the rest of the content, and only represented by YouTube videos that already exist. That being said, it was an extremely informative website, and I learned a lot. I look forward to seeing where this technology takes us!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  5. Debbie Chen

    Hi Jennie,
    Thank you for your thorough exploration of 3D holograms in education. Your website provides a wealth of information on holographic technology, its current applications, and its potential in various fields. The detailed breakdown of sections, accompanied by videos and research findings, offers a comprehensive overview. Your insights into the benefits and challenges, especially in the medical and educational sectors, are valuable.
    However, while your presentation excellently covers the current landscape of holographic technology and its applications, it would be insightful to see a more explicit connection to your forecast project. Specifically, elaborating on how you envision holographic technology evolving could further enrich your already comprehensive content.
    Moreover, your extensive research has greatly enhanced my grasp of hologram technology. It aligns seamlessly with my forecast project of transformative learning within a portable immersive space. Your efforts have moved me closer to achieving my objectives.
    Thank you for providing such informative resources about hologram technology used in different fields. It makes me feel I am one step closer to my forecast project about transformative learning in a portable immersive space.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  6. Debbie Chen

    Hi Jennie,
    Thank you for your thorough exploration of 3D holograms in education. Your website provides a wealth of information on holographic technology, its current applications, and its potential in various fields. The detailed breakdown of sections, accompanied by videos and research findings, offers a comprehensive overview. Your insights into the benefits and challenges, especially in the medical and educational sectors, are valuable.
    However, while your presentation excellently covers the current landscape of holographic technology and its applications, it would be insightful to see a more explicit connection to your forecast project. Specifically, elaborating on how you envision holographic technology evolving or being applied in transformative learning within a portable immersive space could further enrich your already comprehensive content.
    Moreover, your extensive research has greatly enhanced my grasp of hologram technology. It aligns seamlessly with my forecast project of transformative learning within a portable immersive space. Your efforts have moved me closer to achieving my objectives.
    Thank you for providing such informative resources about hologram technology used in different fields. It makes me feel I am one step closer to my forecast project about transformative learning in a portable immersive space.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  7. amyylee

    Hi Jennie,

    Thank you for your thorough, well-developed website on 3D holograms in education. This topic is very interesting as this topic is fairly new to me. I agree that holography enables distance learning to be more engaging and immersive for students as if they have their professor in the same room. This would benefit more learners as the course could be offered to more students than just the number of seats in the lecture hall. However, I wonder how cost-effective it would be to have a hologram teacher in the room and whether the benefits outweigh the costs. How much more effective is a hologram compared to a professor on a 2D screen interacting with students?

    I see more benefits in the medical field. It is hopeful to see South Korean doctors developing an AI to convert a 2D scanned image to 3D to detect any missed parts of the scanned images. I hope this technology develops further and becomes more common to enhance the quality of health care service we receive.

    I love the idea of using holography to promote learning through interactive, real-world situations using AR and holographic technology. I appreciate your work on this topic, and I enjoyed exploring your website.

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  8. Sebastian Seo

    Very interesting topic as I know very little about 3D holograms and have seen it only in the movies (Blade Runner, Total Recall, Harry Potter).

    I enjoyed watching the video on how the University of Texas launched a hologram technology in the classroom – What a cool concept. The video highlights a key benefit: gives instructors and students choice with quality engagement. I think some other cons can include trusting a 3D hologram teacher, cost, technical training for teachers and administrators, and over-reliance on technology for teaching.

    I’m quite excited about how 3D hologram technology can provide innovative and immersive experiences as a student, teacher, instructional designer, and consumer.

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. meagan kelm

      Thank you for you response Sebastian
      I had never thought about the trust aspect of the hologram, do you think this is the same for a zoom teacher as well or is it the nature of the hologram that makes it hard to trust?
      Cost and training would be a barrier but hopefully with the implementation and initial cost it would save money in other costs for the future.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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