A3: RP1 and the VR Classroom
For my forecasting assignment, I chose to reflect on some recent experience teaching in VR with my school learning Commons librarian, Michelle Harvey. We are both very much interested in how technology can afford opportunities for innovation and improvement in public education, and we are also both huge fans of the book, Ready Player 1. […]
A1: Open Resources and Adaptive Assessment
Earlier in the course (week 3?), I opted to share a site I have made extensive use of in my practice, which is ck12.org. As I explained previously, their mission has been to make learning more open (all resources are under a creative commons licence), flexible (resources can be accessed on desktop or mobile interfaces) […]
CK-12: Textbook 2.0?
A textbook is an educational resource most students of the 20th century would be familiar with, but in the 21st, it seems to be falling out of vogue (at least in the K-12 system). While some more experienced professors and teachers still extol the virtue of their reliability, newly trained faculty dismiss them for their […]
Ray-Ban Stories; the “always-on” society?
Technologically-enhanced glasses have seemed like a “holy grail” of sorts in the technology world. From Star Trek to Dragon Ball Z, the idea of technologically enhanced vision seems always on the precipce of development, and yet, even the mightiest of tech companies who have tried it have succumb to failure (anyone remember “Google Glass”?); perhaps […]
Makecode Arcade: Accessible game design
Since taking Games and Learning, I have found that game design projects are one of the most exciting and engaging avenues for students to share what they’re learning. Last year I began with Scratch-based games, and I was amazed at the variety of games students were able to develop, however, this always involved a degree […]
OK, Hello!
Hello from the Okanagan! I’m a Middle School Teacher in Kelowna with a background in Math/Science and over the past few years I’ve begun to develop my proficiencies in coding, programming and Makerspace education to afford students more opportunities to create digital media to represent and express their learning (game design, robotics and 3D printing […]