A3: Forecasting Project – Technology Driven Foundational Learning
I tried to create just an audio production about what I think is coming down the pipe, however, the blog site didn’t want to upload my audio file. Instead, I have embedded a YouTube clip with an associated image gallery. It is NOT necessary to watch the video, as the audio is the important part. […]
Week 10: A2 – Experience Design
Movable Feast – Week 10 Experience Design. By Catriona Imray and Victoria Glover Looking at the Frontiers Poll that we completed in the first week of classes, I remember looking at the one entitled “Experience Design” and thinking “Gosh, I hope I don’t get assigned that one for the movable feast. I don’t really understand […]
The Social Trend of Micro-Expressions
This trend of becoming an “influencer” seems to be affecting social interactions and the mental health of people who are aiming for it. This is like a popularity contest run amok, where the posts are desperate for more likes, and have actual mental breakdowns when they don’t get enough likes. This striving to be more […]
Can TikTok be used for education?
My name is Catriona Imray, and I teach math and science to 10-12th grades at North Peace Secondary School in Fort St. John, BC. Before becoming a teacher, I spent about 12 years as a field geologist, and now use that knowledge and experience to share with my students. I personally don’t use TikTok for […]
Twitter Meltdown
https://www.statista.com/statistics/303681/twitter-users-worldwide/ Despite the number of high profile Twitter users who have said that they were going to quit after Elon Musk took over, Twitter ended 2022 with it’s highest numbers. While it is predicted to decrease in number of active monthly users, until the numbers actually come out, there is no way to say for […]
Ford Trucks and their adaptive learning
TL;DR: Automatic truck shifted badly, no mechanical issues, adaptive transmission needed to relearn our driving – ultimate UX My recent experience with my truck has made me think about how much machine learning is actually involved in driving my truck. I drive a 2013 Ford F150 FX4 with EcoBoost. We had a problem where one […]
Hi From Fort St. John
I spent twelve years as a field geologist, using only very specific technology, and often not in places where we could get strong internet connections. One update that I needed to send to my husband was that “jackals ate my internet” (when I worked in Eritrea). This is my now my fourth year of teaching, […]