A3- MOOCs for Field Sciences
I have really enjoyed this semester learning about Mobile and Open Learning, and have especially enjoyed learning more about MOOCs, citizen science, augmented reality, and 5G capabilities and the affordances (and limitations) of each of those. For my A3 I wanted to build upon the work of my fellow ETEC 523 classmates and combine my […]
Apple Watch & Health Tracking Apps
Earlier this semester I had been interested by the mobile frontier of Quantified Self and I had read Brian Leavitt’s post questioning if Apple had taken quantified self to an overwhelming limit by including EKG and noise detection technology in the Series 6 watches. He asked if having access to this data will actually have […]
Is Animal Crossing Educational?
I will be the first to admit that Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) has been a welcome distraction for me throughout the past year. At the beginning of this term I saw Mel’s post about Animal Crossing as a Mobile Cultural phenomenon and I began thinking a bit more critically about the game when I […]
A1- Politics in Social Media
Hello, everyone. My A1 project is an analysis of the role of social media in modern politics and how mobile technologies can support the political education of students. It was, in part, inspired by Mel’s A1 on Mobile Activism, and by the 2020 presidential election. I decided to present my A1 in a downloadable PDF […]
Reddit as a Mobile Cultural Phenomenon
In the past few days, Reddit has come into the limelight for its users’ role in the dramatic jump in stock price for GameStop and other companies. Reddit serves as a community to a diverse 430+ million active monthly users, with the use and creation of specific subreddits allowing users to cater the app and […]
I was inspired by James’ post about Merlin: An Analysis, and began to think more about my undergraduate experience as a Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Sciences major at Washington State University. Throughout 2020 I thought about and lamented over that fact that due to COVID-19 the students in that program during 2020 were inevitably deprived […]