A3: A Fantasy Tech Forecast – A Universal Translator as a Mobile Technology

Here is my website that will lead you to my Assignment 3 and introduce to you some of the many options for mobile translation options that exist now and I hope will continue to evolve into the future. Upon researching and reflection, there were many more translating technologies than I was even aware of. I […]

Assignment 1- TED Talks as a Mobile Learning Tool

Hi Everyone, I’m reposting my assignment link through a WIX website as I have been having difficulties embedding sites into my UBC blogs site. I apologise for the inconvenience. Please check out the following link to access my Assignment 1 website: https://louisaagreen.wixsite.com/ubc-met-523-mobile-a TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design and there is a vast collection of […]

Hi! I’m Louisa

Hi! I’m Louisa

Hello everyone, my name is Louisa Green. I’m from Canada (Edmonton, AB) originally but have been living abroad for the past 20 years. I’ve been living in Kobe, Japan for the past 8 years and am pretty happily settled here! I used to travel a lot but due to Covid and a pregnancy simultaneously, I […]