A3 – What’s for Dinner? A future app to solve an age old question.
How often do we struggle to decide what to make or what recipe to use? Imagine yourself hungry and opening the fridge, pantry or looking at a take out menu to decide what to have and you can’t decide. What if there was an app that allowed you to take a photo and recognize the […]
Video Primary, a summary – Week 8 OER
Please see this short video as a summary of our OER this week, highlighting the results of our work cloud on video apps, Jam Board discussion on vertical vs. horizontal, the results of our Future of Video poll and some common discussion topics. You can access our original post to view the comments by clicking […]
MOOCs for Teens
In light of the MOOC OER, I wanted to look and see what MOOCs were available specifically targeting teens. I have just started my search but would love to have a list of courses my students could look into if they have some free time and want to learn more. The first links are general […]
Video Primary – Week 8 OER
What a big topic! After many discussions and video chats, we decided that given the past year and the changes we’ve all encountered both personally and professionally with video, we would narrow our focus for most of the OER to Video Primary in the last 12 months. We know we are all a bit sick […]
A1 – TikTok and Food Trends
For my A1, I started looking at TikTok and implications for education. I began by downloading the app, but then didn’t open it for a few weeks as I wasn’t sure I was emotionally ready for the commitment. As a Foods teacher, my students are always coming to class talking about the latest food videos […]
Lack of Direction: Are we preparing students for a tech future?
In reading through current and past posts and this week’s discussion questions, I’ve found myself thinking a lot about how our education system is just so far behind in terms of all of this amazing information that’s being shared. The disconnect is, in some cases, only getting wider. In most schools there are pockets of […]
way’ (hello) from the Okanagan!
Hi everyone, My name is Meg (Margaret Irwin) and I’m excited to be in courses 7 and 8 of my MET journey. I am a Foods teacher in Vernon, BC on the traditional, unceded territory of the Syilx Nation. I have been a teacher for 16 years, teaching mostly Home Ec and PE at the […]