A3: Minima App
Hello everyone, We all recognize the support teachers need, especially after the pandemic. With increasing demands on teachers, such as the need to keep up with rapid changes brought about by technology disruption, adoption of learner-centric methods, and differentiated learning approaches needed to develop 21st-century student competencies. I combined micro-learning, social learning, and machine learning […]
Week 7: User Experience (A2)
Hello everyone! Welcome to movable feast week 7! We enjoyed working on our OER and exploring the topic “User Experience”. We mainly discussed user experience design elements and features in extended reality environments and the importance of user experience designers’ role in developing virtual worlds for learning and training. You can access our OER here. […]
A1: ELSA Speak – Reducing Pronunciation Anxiety Encountered by English Language Learners (ELL)
For my A1 analysis, I chose to introduce the topic “Pronunciation Anxiety” and its detrimental effects on language acquisition. I also focus on mobile speech-recognition technology as a method for overcoming pronunciation anxiety. Access the link on a mobile device for a better experience. Swipe right and left to move through the content at your […]
Headspace for Kids – Teaching the Importance of a Healthy Mind
Many people, including myself, are witnessing the useful and positive effects of mindfulness: Reducing stress levels Improving concentration and organization Controlling emotions Why not introduce and teach our children the importance of a healthy mind and how to achieve these positive effects? We definitely want our children to be focused on their tasks and calm […]
ReThink – Hacking the Brain to Stop Cyberbullying
Public Safety Canada defined cyberbullying as follows: Cyberbullying is using computers, smartphones, or other connected devices to embarrass, hurt, mock, threaten or be mean to someone online. It is a serious issue that we can stop. Cyberbullying is growing simultaneously with the advancement of mobile technology. There are different types of cyberbullying; it can include […]
IMAGEN – Text-to-Image Generator
I came across this new technology, it’s recent and not yet available to the public for security reasons. Google announced IMAGEN a new AI system that takes texts as input and then generates images. It uses a process called “diffusion” and turns the concepts known to the AI to create a completely new visual version […]
Hello, my new virtual world!
Hi, my name is Maria and I currently live in Montréal, Québec. I teach English as a second language to mostly young students from all over the world online. I create my own digital lessons and mainly focus on personalizing and using gamification to deliver fun and effective content. I am also interested in student-led […]