A3 – LearnAssist App
Please check the link for the presentation https://prezi.com/view/1EstVfohmVbwcabHPpxj/ This is one idea for a mobile learning App.
Mobile Community of Practice – A1
Learning occurs at schools, universities and businesses. Since mobile devices are abundantly available and are becoming increasingly affordable, businesses use applications for managing projects, communication and collaboration. In every business corporate, there are new employees, different projects and leaving staff. Employees’ learning and knowledge retention one of the main components of a successful business. This […]
Week 6 – Assignment 2 – DIY Learning
Hi everyone, and welcome to our presentation for Moveable Feast and our topic for week 6 is DIY “Do-it-Yourself” Learning. We have created a website about DIY and the influence of Mobile technology on this type of learning. Please read through our website. When you reach the Activities page, you are welcome to choose any […]
Gamification of Apps
This post is inspired by Gamifying your life By carla pretorius on May 25, 2020 In my opinion, if you want to talk about gamification, you are looking for the feature of continuity. A specific game is considered popular or successful when more users download, participate in, recommend to others and stay up to date with its […]
Hi, I’m Noor
Hello everyone. I am Noor. My undergraduate degree is Multimedia and Web development. My first job was a technical support agent in a telecommunications company in Dubai. I have also worked as a Kindergarten teacher, then got married and moved to Canada 9 years ago where I started my family and also began teaching Arabic […]