The Future of Medicine: In Search of the Tricorder
“The day before something is truly a breakthrough; it’s a crazy idea.” Peter H. Diamandis As a child, I remember watching reruns of the original Star Trek with my brother and father. One scene that I was always impressed by was when “Bones” or Dr. McCoy used his tricorder to assess vitals and make a […]
A1-Mastering Your Mobility: 5 h 58 min.
So just wondering, my number is 90: What’s yours? You may be curious about my number being 90. What does this have to do with mobility? Why is my analysis titled 5 hours and 58 minutes? That’s to say, and I spend almost six hours on my smartphone engaging in various apps and seemingly” tuning […]
SWORKIT-Fitness App for Physical Education
AT the start of the pandemic I really wanted a physical challenge or to learn a new skill. Our Phys. Ed. Teacher signed our school up for SWORKIT to engage our students remotely. I saw this as a wonderful opportunity to improve my exercise repertoire. After I completed a 10 000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge I […]
UNESCO Best Practices in Mobile Learning
I was initially looking for Inclusion in Mobile learning and found this resource which appealed to me as I consider UNESCO are reputable and respected organization. “UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the building of a culture of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and […]
Hi everyone!My name is Phil and I currently teach junior and senior high science in east central Alberta. This is my 6th MET course and my 16th year teaching. My wife and I have a bounced around a bit from Seoul, South Korea teaching ESL to K-8, to Cartwright, Labrador teaching Science and then to […]