A3: Virtual Reality for ESL Students’ Social & Cultural Integration

A3: Virtual Reality for ESL Students’ Social & Cultural Integration

Synopsis: Virtual Reality (VR) technology for English as a Second Language (ESL) students, in particular when it comes to facilitating social and cultural integration, is a dimension of mobility that certainly requires more attention. Please review my article and animation, and let me know your thoughts/feedback. Link to the article & animation: https://esl-vr.wixsite.com/etec523a3 Reflection/Activity: Please […]

A1- Social Media: dictators’ worst nightmare

A1- Social Media: dictators’ worst nightmare

Social Media: dictators’ worst nightmare How mobile technologies can educate youths to stand up for democratic values The role of social media has been significant in driving societal changes. This becomes increasingly crucial when social media is used in a libertarian direction which in my opinion needs a dialectical and critical analysis. Thank you for […]

Cyberhate: the impact of online anonymity

Cyberhate: the impact of online anonymity

Anonymous user profiles on social media websites are so prevalent nowadays that we barely even notice them anymore. The question that is worth looking into is, how does user anonymity impact behavior in virtual environments? Does existence of anonymity increase users’ ability to freely express themselves? Does it pave the path for formation of a […]

The impact of Augmented Reality (AR) on Education:

While going through the posts and resources under the Knowledge Mill, I found some valuable information with regard to Augmented Reality (AR). However, one (1) question remained unanswered, which is, what is the impact of utilizing Augmented Reality in education? Before proceeding to answer this question, lets define the AR first. Godoy (2020) defines AR […]

Introduction: let’s start the journey

Introduction: let’s start the journey

Hi Everyone, Hope you all keeping well. My professional experience ranges from ten years in the Oil & Gas industry as well as a couple years in the non-profit sector; in roles such Training Supervisor, Compliance Lead, and Analytics Specialist/Analyst. I’m currently the Training Supervisor for a midstream Pipeline company and the main focus of […]