Week 9 – DIY Learning

Week 9 – DIY Learning

Welcome to our DIY Learning OER! https://sites.google.com/view/etec523-howdoyoudoityourself/home This project has a bit of a DIY flavour in how you may experience it. Check the homepage for the process and know that at the end we ask everyone to post a response to one or more of the following discussion questions (don’t worry, we’ll remind you […]

A1 – Emerging Practices in Accessible LMS Platform Design

A1 – Emerging Practices in Accessible LMS Platform Design

Hello to all, For my A1 project, I chose to focus on accessible design as it pertains to my own professional work. As such, I wanted to do a deep dive of a very useful tool that can be integrated into an LMS or webpage called “ReadSpeaker”. Please take a look at this interactive webpage […]

Our phones are telling us how to look

Our phones are telling us how to look

The connection between digital media and body image is undeniable. Throughout our development we have been reminded over and over about the negative implications of media on our self-image: there are ample opportunities for comparison; a constant flow of beauty consumer culture; and the denormalization of all but a few body types. If we are […]

Mind Mapping – First step before mind palaces?

Mind Mapping – First step before mind palaces?

In reflecting on tech that changes the landscape of learning, I came across a post from one of our fellow students commiserating that we do not yet have the ability to create a ‘Sherlock’ style Mind Palace, where one can go in a virtual space and organize and categorize ones ideas. The credit goes to […]

Hi From Ottawa

Hi From Ottawa

Hello Everyone! My name is Sage Capogreco and this is one of my first courses in the MET program. I look forward to exchanging with everyone – the blog style is new to me, but I’m really excited to see the potential!  I has been a few years since my undergrad in History at the […]