A3: Immersive Book Talks with AR
Please click the link below to view my Google Site on the potential future for ‘Immersive Book Talks using Augmented Reality Technology’: https://sites.google.com/view/a3-immersive-book-talks/home
Classroom Library Organizer
Booksource Classroom is a free website program that works in conjunction with an app to help you develop an inventory and digital check-out system for your classroom library books. When teachers buy books at the book fair, bring their own books at home, find them at yard sales, or have them donated it can lead […]
Week 8 Moveable Feast: Augmented Reality (AR) in Education
Please follow the link to Michelle Kim’s and my Google Site on augmented reality in education, with an additional focus on decolonization. https://sites.google.com/view/etec523mobileandopenlearning/what-is-ar We have a discussion section you are invited to join in. We would appreciate hearing about your own experiences using AR technology in the classroom, or about any resources or recommendations you […]
A1: Flip!: Asynchronous Video Discussion Platform
Welcome to my A1: Analytical Publishing Project on the Microsoft Education asynchronous video discussion platform known as Flip! (previously FlipGrid). I don’t love recording myself, so as a personal challenge, I decided to record myself using the Flip! application. This allowed me to push myself beyond my comfort zone, and helped me develop a more […]
GoodSAM, Mobile Collaboration that Saves Lives
CPR Facts and Statistics from the American Heart Association It’s often people’s worst nightmares, medical emergencies at home, and having to wait for the EMT. The GoodSAM Responder app is an example that utilizes mobile collaboration to help save lives. When Emergency Services who are contracted with GoodSAM receive an emergency call related to Cardiac […]
3rd World Farmer Mobile Game
In relation to this week’s excellent topic on video games as educational tools. I would like to share a game called ‘3rd World Farmer‘ which can be played online, or through a mobile app. It is available in multiple languages. The description from their website reads, “3rd World Farmer is a new kind of game. […]
Plickers, the new mini-whiteboard?
My friend introduced me to Plickers the other day and was raving about it. Plicker is an interesting combination of Kahoot, assessment, and learning analytics. Students are given a card, assigned to them. This card would be kept, and students would continue to use the same card for future assessments. Then depending on how they […]
Novel Effect, Bringing Read Alouds to Life
Novel EffectTM is an app that helps bring even more magic to read-alouds. It can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Novel Effect allows readers to search for books from a vast picture book library, and then pairs specialized sound files with print or ebook copies of the books. Utilizing […]
Sarah Mutch Introduction
Hello ETEC 523 Peers! My name is Sarah Mutch and I am a substitute teacher in Prince Edward Island. I have worked as a substitute teacher for the last five years, and prior to that, I worked at a BC offshore high school in China for two years. I have a BA in English and […]