Are Scanners/Printers Necessary?

Are Scanners/Printers Necessary?

Have you or your students used CamScanner to scan assignments and/or documents? With mobile devices allowing scan options with cameras, do we really need scanners anymore? CamScanner is the most common app I’ve noticed my students using but there are other options like iScanner or Google Lens App. If you have an iPad, the newer […]

A3 – Mobile Companions

What do you think about mobile companion robots? I used Adobe Rush, Vllo, and Canva to create my video and used my iPad and my iPhone to record audio and video clips. Here it is, enjoy! For those of you who have not seen the movie, Big Hero 6, here is a trailer: For […]

A2 – Mobile Games

A2 – Mobile Games

Hello everyone, Welcome to our Mobile Games OER! Please click the image to view our website. The greatest potential in mobile games is that they allow for mobility. Traditional games on the computer or on the table with piles of pieces fix students in place, which limits activities to be done indoors. The most exciting […]

Companion Robots

If there were companion robots that can live with us at home to do chores, guard the house, teach, play with children, and give us health advice, would you consider getting one? These social companion robots or humanoids can exist in different forms and shapes and the technology is advancing quickly. Here is a video […]

A1 – Mobile ELL Support

If you have taught English Language Learners in your class, you are probably familiar with the struggles that they go through in their everyday learning experience. For my project, I looked into using an iPad for supporting ELLs. I invite you to my blog here. Enjoy!

Better Online Meetings

Better Online Meetings

There are many different programs and technologies for online conferences like Zoom, Google Meets, etc., which have allowed us to take learning and work anywhere. But there are still limitations to online video conferences so I started looking into technologies that can help improve them. I came across this website, and here are some […]

CK-12 Open Source

CK-12 Open Source

CK-12 ( is a free open-source website that has FlexBooks, simulations, study guides, practice questions, and more! Their mission is to “provide free access to open-source content and technology tools that empower students as well as teachers to enhance and experiment with different learning styles, resources, levels of competence, and circumstances.” They provide translations in […]

Desmos and GeoGebra

Desmos and GeoGebra

Graphing can be fun! I use Desmos and GeoGebra almost every day in my Math class. These are available online as well as on iOS and Android devices. Students can easily download the apps and use them on their mobile devices for free. Both of these tools have interactive activities and games available for different […]

VLLO – Edit Videos Anywhere

VLLO – Edit Videos Anywhere

With mobile technologies, creativity can happen anywhere! I came across this app called VLLO a while ago and it’s such a great tool for editing videos using any mobile phone or tablet. For those of you who are into video editing, it doesn’t provide as many options and tools as a program like Adobe Premier […]

Personal Assistants in Classrooms

Personal Assistants in Classrooms

I found the frontier poll topic of “Siri and Her Siblingsā€ very interesting and I thought I’d find more related resources. Although personal assistant technologies like Siri, Google Home, and Alexa were not designed for educational purposes, they are already being used for at-home learning. Here is an article on how it’s affecting education: […]