Productivity Applications

Productivity Applications

Do you use any of these Productivity Applications on your phone? Apps like To-Do, Evernote, Be Focused, Freedom, Trello, Toggle, and the list is endless. These apps fall into two categories – checklist type or focus type. I find the checklist type of productivity applications helpful when I have a lot of things to check […]

A1 – Mobile Learning for Front Line Employees

What if we did not have bookshelves full of front line employee training material? What if we did not have to constantly interrupt the operation to host training huddles? What if management did not have to track if an employee has completed their mandatory trainings? Imagine an operation where front line employees had training materials […]

Instant – Everything is Instant.

With today’s mobile culture, the satisfaction of one’s needs and wants has never been easier. Purchasing goods can never be easier; this can be done by sitting on the bus, standing in line, working in an office, etc. Below are a few examples. One of Instagram’s newer features is the shopping button. Stores can set […]


Hello from British Columbia

Hi everyone! My name is Sarah and I’m from Vancouver, British Columbia and I’ve been here all my life. I was just talking with my coworkers about how much the Greater Vancouver has changed in the last 5-10 years. When I was driving home, I suddenly had a different view of the place that I […]