A3: Cyberformance: Deus Ex Machina for Live Theatre in the Days of Covid 19?
For my forecasting project, I wanted to explore the potential of live online performance as a genre in preparation for our return to online learning here in Hong Kong! I researched the genre of ‘Cyberformace’, and created my own Cyberformance for young audiences called ‘Back To School’. I have created a video-essay to discuss both […]
A1: #creatednotcopied; An Examination of User Creative Behaviour on Tik Tok
Sorry to be late to the party everyone! For my assignment, I decided to tackle my irritation with Tik Tok. As a Drama teacher, I have always been irritated by trends that encourage my students to use contrived ideas and movement rather than creating their own. This irritation started at a young age when I […]
Your Digital Attention Span
Originally written by kimberley seto on October 12, 2019 Digital Attention Span How often do you find yourself getting caught up in a digital wormhole of different apps and websites where none are related to your task at hand? In this podcast, I look into how the increased used of mobile devices has impacted our abilities to […]
TikTok, why are teenagers so addicted to it?
Originally posted by Vincent Dong By Vincent Dong on February 10, 2019 TikTok (Chinese: 抖音) is an app which provides users a platform to share their short videos. In the past two years, TikTok has become so popular that it has become an icon of subculture, and many young people are even addicted to this app. This has […]
Hello From Hong Kong!
I thought it might be fun to introduce myself via video, so enjoy!