Mobile Technologies

Parental Controls – An Illusion?

Original post by derek doherty on September 12, 2019 As a parent of an 11 year old I am keenly aware that one of the biggest influences on how she uses her mobile phone is the behaviour I model. I am not always the best role model, and now I have got the perfect […]

A1: Learning using Mobile Exchange Economy: Hello Talk

Originally posted by Jiri Karas on October 13, 2019 My Assignment 1 focuses on Hello Talk, a language exchange mobile app which allows you to learn and practice a foreign language with people who are proficient/native speakers of that language and who want to learn your 1st language. It quite uniquely combines a number of affordances of different […]

booksource: classroom organizer

Original post by Jennifer L on September 10, 2019 Booksource is a free classroom library organization tool that can be accessed via web browser (screenshot below) or on your mobile (for both Android and Apple). In addition to creating an inventory of all your books, teachers can also create and manage student accounts, track who has which book, […]

Modular Mobile Technology

Modular Mobile Technology

Original post by julio palacios on November 23, 2019 Within an educational setting, modular mobile devices can empower the user by allowing them to make otherwise costly repairs, upgrades and modifications to their mobile devices. This will alleviate the amount of eWaste produced by the educational institution and the high costs of maintaining up to date educational […]


Originally posted by pshui on October 14, 2019 Hello everyone, my Analytical Publishing Project will focused on the development and integration of ai-powered chatbots in education. I have decided to present using a chatbot I built using chatteron! Please follow this link to my bot YesBot.(URL: Among the other chatbot building tools that I have found and […]

Dreamscape: a strategy game that encourages reading comprehension

Dreamscape: a strategy game that encourages reading comprehension

By Derrick Cheung on September 14, 2019 In the past few years, games like Clash of Clans and Fortnite have exploded in popularity among school-aged children. These games, and many other free-to-play mobile and desktop games, employ strategies that incentivizes prolonged play-time and the use of real-world money to purchase in-game perks. Issues such as microtransactions have […]

VR/AR Not just Consumption

By Lori Jones on September 14, 2019 The trend toward 360 cameras and access to Virtual reality video on Youtube and other platforms has been the tip of the giant iceberg that will be AR & VR in the real world. Companies, Communities and Educational Institutions alike are beginning to use other technologies like barcodes and QR […]

ScreenMen: Health Screening Web-app Targeting Men

ScreenMen: Health Screening Web-app Targeting Men

Original post by ryan.edtech on September 12, 2019 I’ve been working at a community level with other men for nearly 10 years to try to understand and improve some of the negative personal health and social outcomes that many men struggle with. I believe that technology, particularly mobile technology, can help to bridge some of […]

PTSD Coach

PTSD Coach

Original post by ttrembl on September 27, 2019 According to Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) as of March 2018 there were over 600,000 veterans in Canada and that population includes Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and RCMP members. Of that population, over VAC currently serves 18% of the total veteran population through its programs and services […]

Virtual Life Saver

Virtual Life Saver

Originally Posted by Stéphanie M. on 11 Sep 2019 Using virtual reality in medical education can provide alternative learning environments for busy  professionals. Removing barriers to mandatory CPR and AED training and recertification for students and working professionals would help keep compliance levels high and help save lives. Virtual CPR v.1.7 by Virtualware is a mobile […]