Emily’s Introduction

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For a visual learner, as myself, I find text incredibly hard to look at.  However, when text is presented in a visually stimulating way, such as with fonts and embellishments and formatting, I find that it is easier to view.  The above image is a series of text-printed fabrics arranged in a way that immediately appealed to my artistic side.

My struggle with text and language through grade school was the guiding factor that lead me into the sciences and a career as a high school science teacher.  Since grade school, I’ve found ways of embracing text and creating visuals from text in order to gain understanding, and try to pass on these skills to my students (since it took me until about the end of second year to find out for myself!).

I look forward to discussing the evolution of text in this course and how technology has influenced and caused change to the different versions of text through the ages.


5 thoughts on “Emily’s Introduction

  1. Hi Emily,
    I like your choice of picture, it also appeals to my artistic side! Welcome to the course, and I will look forward to working with you this summer!

  2. Welcome, Emily!

    Thank you for sharing your own struggles with text. Sharing that with students would be a powerful way of connecting to those who have similar issues. Well done!

    Looking forward to the course with you,

  3. Hi Emily;
    Neat image that reminds me of a segment of my BFA program that dealt with words in art. I’ll see if I can find names of some of the up and coming artists we discussed (if you are interested).

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