Hello from Sean


I chose this picture of me holding my nephew, Gavin because I wonder how technology is going to shape his life as he grows older. He will go through school with an abundance of technology at his disposal. It’s my hope, as a teacher, that we are still able to engage our students in a meaningful way without relying too much on technology. I hope Gavin learns to appreciate technology and its role in the classroom and not let himself become consumed by it. He’s still a few years away from the classroom!

My name is Sean McFarlane and I am enrolled in my fifth and sixth MET courses. This is my fourth year teaching and I am currently an Occasional Teacher. I’ve had a few Long Term contracts so far and I really can’t wait to have the opportunity to teach full time one day. I am very intrigued by this course and how text is shaped by technology. I am hoping to learn some useful information that will transfer into the classroom.

Looking forward to working with everyone this semester!

10 thoughts on “Hello from Sean

    • Oh But of course!
      Love your wit, Mikey:)
      Sean, I have not found one of the MET courses that is not filled with great ideas. Good luck with taking two at once.

  1. So sweet! I’d imagine that Gavin’s world will be quite different than we think it will be now! Think of how much has changed since we were that small. My first computer connected to a television screen and I thought I was the cat’s meow when I got a color television to connect to mine! I too hope that Gavin and all his peers see it as one tool, and not the only one.

  2. Hi Sean,
    With all of the technological changes I’ve seen in my own lifetime, it’s truly hard to imagine what learning will be like for Gavin in just a few short years! Just today, I was part of a discussion about cursive handwriting and how the process helps with development of the brain, and whether or not students will continue to develop that skill in future. I wonder…

  3. Great picture and great connection! I wonder how much education will change in just 5 years as well! It’s already changed so much since when I/we was/were in school and yet fundamentally, sometimes I wonder if it’s changed much at all! I look forward to working with you this term!

  4. Thanks for all the comments, everyone! I

    I’m looking forward to working with everyone this semester.

    p.s. I love the pun, Michael!

  5. I’m hoping that with all the changes this child will see, that one of them is more of a focus on media literacy and critical thinking skills..and not just relying on new technologies.

  6. Hey Sean,

    It looks like we’ll be conversing a lot this summer over two courses together! GREAT photo choice as you have done an effective job of reminding us what is truly important…. the person, not the technology.


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