Mali Bain
Community of Practice Developer (September 2011 – January 2014)
Mali developed and supported teaching and learning Communities of Practice. She co-facilitated the Course Design community and supported organisers or facilitators of new, emerging, and dormant communities of practice. In addition, Mali worked with the Facilitation and Process Design team to provide professional development services.
Janet Dhanani
Educational Developer: Peer Review of Teaching (June 2014 – 2015)
Janet developed and coordinated the Formative CTLT Peer Review of Teaching Program. This included designing and implementing professional development initiatives and building resources to support faculty campus-wide through peer review. Janet has a Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction, and is completing her second Masters degree in Counseling. Her career in designing and managing educational programs gives her a broad view of pedagogy, professional development, research, and facilitation. Janet brings years of experience mentoring teachers in their teaching practice to the Formative Peer Review program.
Jessica Earle-Meadows
Manager, Facilitation and Process Design(January 2014 – January 2017)
Jessica offered customized process design and facilitation services to UBC faculties as well as internal support to CTLT, involving such things as: participative strategic planning, stakeholder engagement and decision-making, and overall culture change initiatives. She supported the ongoing program development and workshop offerings at CTLT, and offered a series of workshops in 2014 that addressed emerging needs in the practice of Teaching and Learning.
Shaya Golparian
PhD, Educational Developer (September 2011 – June 2014)
Shaya joined the Facilitation and Process Design (FPD) team in 2011 as a resource room coordinator. In that role she answered teaching and learning reference questions, contributed to the Teaching and Learning Resources Portal on the UBC Wiki, maintained CTLT’s RefWorks Database of resources, and the UBC_CTLT twitter feed, and coordinated the CTLT SoTL Journal Club.
In 2013 she continued her work with the FPD team as an Educational Developer. In this role she developed and coordinated the Formative CTLT Peer Review of Teaching Program. This included designing and implementing (customized) professional development initiatives and building online resources to support members of the campus-wide Formative Peer Review team. She also co-coordinated the Peer Review of Teaching Community of Practice and worked on related initiatives.
Daniel Iwama
Community of Practice Developer (January 2014 – 2015)
Daniel worked to develop and support teaching and learning Communities of Practice. He supported organizers or facilitators of new, emerging, and dormant communities of practice. In addition, Daniel worked with the Facilitation and Process Design team to provide professional development services.
Janice Johnson
Manager, Facilitation and Process Design (2010-2013)
Jan directs the development, implementation, and evaluation of professional development programs offered by CTLT in support of learning and teaching for faculty, graduate students, and staff. She works in collaboration with localized teaching and learning units across campus to foster teaching and learning excellence within Academic Units and across the University.
Kimberly Kao
Resource Development Assistant (May 2013 – September 2013)
Kim is a 3rd year international UBC student from the United States working on her Co-op term at CTLT. She produces student and instructor resources for Connect. She has an interest for creative design and innovative thinking for learning, technology, and expression using multi-media platforms efficiently and effectively. In her spare time, she enjoys trying new things, eating food, and remaining active through sports and hiking.
Zack Lee
Educational Resources Developer (2010-2013)
Zack supports the development of resources for the programs and services at CTLT, focusing on information design and architecture. He is interested in the intersection of individual participation, new forms of expression and technology. He facilitates a variety of workshops and sessions on learning technologies (e.g. UBC Blogs, UBC Wiki). Only occasionally does he blog at
Ian Nagel
Resource Development Assistant (September 2012 – April 2013)
Ian is a 4th year Political Science student working on an Arts Co-op term in the CTLT. His work focuses primarily on the production of student and instructor resources for the new LMS, Connect. He is interested in the roles institutions and technologies can play to support learning, expression, and openness in civil society.
Sharon Doucet
Resource Development Assistant (January 2012 – August 2012)
Sharon is a 4th year English Literature student who likes all things technical in the tech world, including how technology can aid in student learning. In her spare time, Sharon enjoys horseback riding and taking her dogs hiking in the forest.
Lydia Jones
Resource Room Coordinator (July 2008 – August 2011)
Lydia joined CTLT in 2008 as the Resource Room Coordinator. She maintains CTLT’s RefWorks Database of resources, the LEARNatCTLT twitter feed, and answers teaching and learning reference questions.
Roselynn Verwoord
Community of Practice Developer (July 2008 – September 2011)
Roselynn plans, co-ordinates, and facilitates professional development for Community of Practice facilitators as well as supports the development of communities of practice. She also supports the Portfolio Community of Practice and the Course Design Community of Practice at CTLT. She is an Instructional Skills Workshop and Presentation Skills Workshop facilitator and facilitates workshops on different teaching and learning topics within the UBC community.