Learning from & sharing with others

As members of the Facilitation and Process Design team, we value both learning from others involved in teaching and learning, and contributing our experience and knowledge to broader communities in a variety of ways. This approach–whereby we intentionally seek opportunities to learn and contribute–is integral to who we are.

We learn from, and share with, others in a variety of ways. We collaborate extensively with CTLT colleagues and with faculty members, staff, administrators, and graduate students in other units/schools/departments.  Our collaboration with Educational Developers throughout BC, across Canada, and beyond is also an integral part of our work. In addition, members of our team present at–and attend–conferences and special events locally and beyond. Some of us help organize these events.

We also share through our writing. Our work appears in “Dialogues” (CTLT’s newsletter), on the feature page of CTLT’s website, and in other publications.

Where we have learned and shared


Conference Presentations

Conferences Attended

Contributions Beyond UBC

Contact us

Send us your suggestions, comments, ideas, and requests