SGIF/Peer Coaching

Small Group Instructional Feedback

Small Group Instructional Feedback (SGIF) is a structured group process in which students provide feedback to an instructor in order to identify strengths and provide constructive suggestions for improvement. The process begins with an initial meeting between the course instructor and a facilitator from FPD to discuss the instructor’s course goals and goals for the feedback session. The FPD facilitator then conducts a classroom interview with students in the instructor’s absence (this usually takes 30-35 minutes). These structured interviews ask groups of students what helps them learn in the class, and how improvements can be made. Following the classroom interview, the FPD facilitator again meets with the instructor, and shares the feedback the students have provided. The instructor then ‘closes the feedback loop’ by discussing the feedback and his/her responses to it with the class. This process can also be conducted for team teaching situations, and to obtain feedback on entire programs.

FPD facilitators conduct SGIF sessions upon request.

Peer Coaching

Peer coaching provides confidential one-on-one teaching support, encouragement and feedback to graduate students and faculty members with teaching concerns, questions or challenges. The peer coaches are graduate students and faculty members who are Instructional Skills Workshop facilitators, and who have participated in additional one-on-one facilitation training. The FPD team members, among other TLPD members, conduct peer coaching upon request.

Contact Us

Send us a message to request a Small Group Instructional Feedback or Peer Coaching session.