Workshops aim to teach participants new skills and approaches to learning through hands-on activities, participatory activities, and opportunities for practice and reflection. Drawing from literature, research, and our professional experience, our workshops also introduce and/or explore relevant concepts and frameworks that advance participants’ knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning.
All members of the FPD team work individually or with colleagues to develop and/or lead other workshops at various times.
You can register for upcoming workshops at
Contact Us
If you have any questions about workshops we currently offer at CTLT or are thinking of having customized workshops for your group, feel free to send us a message.
Learning Technology Institute (LTI)
Members of the e-learning community at UBC collaborate with the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology to contribute their talent to UBC’s Learning Technology Institute (LTI). The LTI offers regularly scheduled online and face-to-face sessions throughout the calendar year on topics such as emerging web-based technologies, course showcases and roundtable discussions about merging pedagogy and technology. These sessions are open to all faculty, librarians, students and staff and are a great way to fine-tune existing skills, help build a strong foundation to start from or connect with colleagues.
Tech Express
Tech Express was designed to be a series of quick one hour sessions that are open to members of the community to organize. Within CTLT, we have used the Tech Express concept as an opportunity to develop new workshops on topics such as graphic facilitation and web markup as language.
Professional Development for Facilitators & People Interested in Facilitation
As part of our efforts toward capacity building, both within CTLT and across campus, we offered a series of four workshops focusing on facilitation and process design this year. The series offered participants an opportunity to explore the concept of facilitation and the roles of facilitators, to consider the joys and challenges of facilitating with colleagues (co-facilitating), to practice facilitating in challenging contexts and providing constructive feedback to each other, and to develop some skills in serving as consultants who offer facilitation services, whether internally or externally. The series was aimed at people working in or with UBC Teaching and/or Instructional Support Centres who are facilitators or who would like to do (more) facilitation, although we had participants from across the campus.
Course Design Intensive (CDI)
We offer the three day CDI twice a year in June and December, with a team of four to six facilitators from across the campus. Participants are provided with the opportunity to work in a supportive atmosphere, both individually and collaboratively, on a course they teach or are planning to teach. The Intensive is learning-centred, participatory, active and reflective. Participants must have a ‘course’ that they would like to design or re-design to register, regardless of the mode (face-to-face, online, or mixed-mode). Participation in the Intensive is open to post-secondary educators or instructors (UBC and other institutions) – faculty, post-docs, staff, or graduate students who teach or lead a course, program or other initiative in any setting, in any discipline, credit or non-credit.
Workshops for Developing Skills as Peer Reviewers of Teaching
We offer two workshops for developing skills as a peer reviewer of teaching. One workshop, entitled “Developing your skills as a peer reviewer of teaching: An introduction” is a 4-hour experiential workshop that we facilitate several times per year (at CTLT; in UBC departments/Faculties, upon request; at other institutions).