Survey by Sara McDonald

Survey, a retrospective exhibition by alumni artist, Sara McDonald, is hosted by the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies as part of Homecoming UBCO.

 Originally from the Greater Vancouver area, Sara has lived in Kelowna since 1990. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts (2000) and Master of Arts (2011) from UBCO.Sara has maintained a visual arts practice since 2000, although life has sometimes gotten in the way of regular studio production. Mediums of choice are those that allow her to work in stages and layers – printmaking, drawing, collage and painting.

 Artist Statement:

 In art school I discovered printmaking and took off with the etching press – printing collagraphs, etchings and monoprinting with objects. I naturally work in layers, so this method of artmaking was a perfect fit for me. Since then I have continued to print using my own press, but rather than produce limited edition works I have often used my prints in mixed media pieces. Themes in my work lean towards the ideas of sanctuary, quiet places, spirituality and implied narrative.

In 2003, I founded Cool Arts Society* and I consider this this to be an important component of my art practice. My commitment to Cool Arts caused me to wrestle with issues concerning who can lay claim to be an artist and the inequities of access that exist in the art world.

*(Charity dedicated to providing Fine Arts opportunities to local teens and adults living with developmental disabilities)


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